625 Meeting
January 10, 1945
The 625th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, January 10, at 8:00 P.M., President L. W. Currier presiding.
The minutes of the 624th meeting were read and approved.
The president announced that the Society had granted an honorary $50.00 to Miss Minnie Milligan in consideration of her long years of service as secretary.
The President also announced that Society members who are in the forces stationed away from Washington are automatically to be made corresponding members, with reinstatement to active membership on their return to Washington.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of: G. William Beer, Miss Patricia Sutton, Frank C. Whitmore, Jr., Miss Bettyjean Warner, Harold B. Foxhall, Miss Mary E. Hill, John H. Moss, Miss Barbara Griffith, Harold James, Miss Elinor Fox, Konrad D. Krauskoff, Miss Edith McKee, W. Bradley Myers. All are members of the U. S. G. S.
Informal communications:
Charles Milton Caliche-top-coated cobbles from glacial moraine in northwestern New Jersey. Discussed by Earl Ingerson.
Regular Program:
Gordon, C. L., Attack of Minerals by acids at elevated temperature. Discussed by Fahey, Stevens, Fleischer.
Murata, K. J. and Schlecht, . G., Chemical behavior and structure of silicate minerals. No discussion.
Bodenlos, A. J., Structural control of magnesite deposition in the Red Mountain district, Calif. Discussed by Guild, Fleischer, Murata , Thayer, Fischer, Cannon, Wilson.
Attendance: 61
At 9:26, the Society adjourned.
Margaret D. Foster
626th meeting
February 14, 1945
The 626th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club on Wednesday evening, Feb. 14, 1945, at 8:00 p.m., President L. W. Currier presiding.
The minutes of the 625th meeting were read and approved.
The secretary announced the election to active membership of: Mrs. Rosita Ross, Ivan Wilson, Aaron Waters, Arthur S. Knox, George M. Flint, Jr., Vincent E. McKelvey (U. S. Geological Survey); Howard W. Thune, U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey
Regular program:
G. Espenshade Tungsten deposits in Vance Co., N. C and Mecklenburg Co.; Va. Discussed by Hardin, Vail, Goddard, Claybaugh and Russel.
Fleischer, M. F., Neuschel, S. K. and Axelrod, J. M. Occurrence of tungsten and vanadium in manganese oxide minerals and ores. Discussed by Coates, Goddard and McKelvey.
Payne, T. G. Stratigraphic and structural features, Lower Mantanuska Valley field. Discussed by Mrs. Somers and Murata.
Attendance 124
At 9:30 p.m. the meeting adjourned.
[signed Margaret D. Foster]
627 Meeting
February 28, 1945.
The 627th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, February 28, at 8:00 p.m., President L. W. Currier presiding.
The minutes of the 626th meeting were read and approved.
Pres. Currier announced that hence forth, according to a resolution of the Council, new members will be notified of their membership before being billed therefore.
Informal communication: L. Henbest Blasted limestone near Jemez Springs, New Mexico. No discussion.
Regular program: J. F. McAllister Geology of quicksilver deposits in Chile. Discussed by Balsley, Ferguson, Hardin, Fahey, White, C. P. Ross, Waters.
G. C. Hardin, Jr. Fluorspar deposits of the Babb fault system, Ky. Discussed by Currier, Williams.
Donald E. White Localization of the antimony deposits of Mexico. Discussed by McKinstry, Kennedy, Cady, Juan, Waters, Everhardt.
Attendance: 93
At 9:55, the Society adjourned.
Margaret D. Foster,
628th Meeting
March 14, 1945.
The 628th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, March 14, at 8:00 p.m., President L. W. Currier presiding.
The minutes of the 627th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of: H. I. Smith, Allan B. Griggs, Virginia S. Neuschel, Sherman K. Neuschel, Medora H. Krieger, Frank W. Stead, James O. Harder, Allan P. Bennison (all of the U.S.G.S.); Wm. S. Pike, Jr., Shell Oil Co., 1056 O'Sullivan Bldg., Baltimore, Md.
Regular program
H.T.U. Smith Rock streams in the Blue Ridge. Discussed by King, Cady, and Richmond.
L. Henbest Pennsylvanian rocks of Western Colorado. Discussed by Williams and King.
G. W. Stose A description of the geological map of South America. Discussed by Vaughn and Dorr.
Attendance: 108
At 9:55, the Society adjourned.
[signed John van N. Dorr]
[signed Margaret D. Foster]
629th Meeting
March 28, 1945.
The 629th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of .the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, March 28, at 8:00 p.m., President L. W. Currier presiding.
The minutes of the 628th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of Max W. Ball, Petroleum Administration for War; Paul M Buttermore, Petroleum Administration for War; Miss Marjorie Hooker, State Department, 1734 New York Ave. N. W.; H. F. McMurdie, National Bureau of Standards; Ens. Lloyd C. Pray, 1615 Fort Davis Place, S. E.; Lt. Harry E. Wheeler, Air Navigation Div., Navy Hydrographic Office, Washington 25, D.C.; David Larrabee, Geological Survey.
Regular program:
C. Wahrhaftig Preliminary report on the physiographic history of part of the Alaska Range. Discussed by Johnson and King
C. P. Ross and J. D. Forrester The new geologic map of Idaho. No discussion.
G. A. Cooper Stratigraphy of the Caborca Area, Northwestern Sonora, Mexico. Discussed by Betts, Ingerson.
Attendance: 82
At 9:20, the Society adjourned.
[signed Margaret D. Foster]
630th Meeting
April 11, 1945
The 630th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday; evening, April 11, at 8:00 p.m., Vice President A. A. Baker presiding.
The minutes of the 629th meting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of: Lt. (j.g.) H M Dreyer, U.S.N.R. -- Active membership; Al Weissenborn, U.S.G.S, -- Corresponding membership.
Regular program:
Philip B, King Tectonic map of the United States. Discussed by Vaughn, Rubey.
A. L. Howland Petrology of the Society Islands. Discussed by Vaughn.
S. Spencer Nye Orogeny of the Mexican Plateau and its relation to ore, oil, and ground water. Discussed by Imlay, King, Thayer.
Attendance: 148
At 9:45, the Society adjourned.
[signed Margaret D. Foster]
631st Meeting
October 24, 1945
The 631st meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club on Wednesday evening, October 24, at 8:00 P.M., President L. W. Currier presiding.
The minutes of the 630th meeting were read and approved.
Regular program:
Marie L. Lindberg Bromine in carnallite and sylvite. No discussion.
H. T. U. Smith Giant glacial furrows in Northwest Canada. Discussed by Currier, Byers.
J. B. Mertie, Jr. A review. Atomic energy for military purposes by Henry D. Smyth. Discussed by Capps, Spencer, Hess, Coates, Guild.
Attendance: 122
At 9:58 the Society adjourned.
[signed Margaret D. Foster]
632nd Meeting
November 14, 1945
The 632nd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, November 14, 1945, at 8:00 p.m., President L. W. Currier presiding.
The minutes of the 631st meeting were read and approved.
The president announced a joint meeting of the Wash. Acad. of Sciences and the G.S.W. to be held November 15, the meeting to be addressed by Dr. Claude E. Zobell, on "Microbial transformation of petroleum hydrocarbons."
Regular program:
Charles B. Hunt Military geology. Discussed by Woodring, Brown, Bevan, Bradley, Stadnichenko and Delo.
Attendance: 152
At 9:20 the Society adjourned.
[signed Margaret D. Foster]
633rd Meeting.
December 12, 1945
The 633rd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, December 12, 1945, at 8:00 p.m. President L. W. Currier presiding.
The minutes of the 632nd meeting were read and approved
The secretary announced the election to active membership of: Mark W. Pangborn, W. R. Griffiths, Don L. Carroll, Jesus F. de Albear, Ila Jones, John A. Straczek, Montis R. Klepper, Ralph L. Miller, W. H. Heers (USGS); Com. Roger Revelle, section 740, Bur. Of Ships, Navy Dept.; J. Brooks Knight, National Museum.
J. B. Mertie announced that he had prepared a list of the officers of the Society from the time of its formation and moved that this list be incorporated in the minutes of this meeting. Seconded by Miser and carried.
President Currier then requested the Senior Secretary to take the Chair, and the latter called on the President to deliver his address:
Presidential Address: "Granitization" as a regional metamorphic process in New England.
Attendance 100
At 9:22 the meeting adjourned.;
[signed Margaret D. Foster]
Fifty-third Annual Meeting
December 12, 1945
The fifty-third annual meeting of the Society was called to order by President Currier at 9:50 p.m., 60 members being present at the time.
The minutes of the fifty-second meeting were read and approved.
The Council Secretary made no report.
The Annual Report of the Meeting Secretary was read and approved.
The Annual Report of the Treasurer, R. E. Stevens, up to Nov. 8, 1945, when the books were closed, was presented by M. K. Carron. The Chairman of the Auditing Committee, D. A. Andrews, was absent. The other members of the Committee, R. P. Fisher, reported orally that they found the books of the Treasurer correct. The Reports of the Auditing Committee and of the Treasurer were accepted "on faith" and the Report of the Treasurers was ordered filed. (The report of the auditing committee has been received).
The Society then proceeded to the election of officers for the 1946 from the following nominations proposed by the Nominating committee:
President: W. H. Bradley.
Vice-Presidents: (two to be elected) - W.F. Foshag, Julia Gardner, H. S. Ladd, J. C. Reed.
Secretary: (for two years) - Medora H. Krieger, G. O. Gates.
Treasurer: M. K. Carron.
Members-at-large-of-the-Council: (five to be elected) - Alice Allen, J. R. Balsley, F. Chaynes, W. H. Hass, P. L. Killeen, A. H. Koschmann, E. S. Larsen, 3rd, V. E. McKelvey, V. T. Stringfield, Herman Yagoda.
Vice-President, Washington Academy of Sciences: L. W. Currier
There were no additional nominations from the floor for President and W. H. Bradley was elected by unanimous vote.
The retiring President then called on the newly elected President to assume the Chair (no chair, however).
No additional nominations were made for Vice-President and W. F.Foshag and J. C. Reed were elected.
No additional nominations were made for Secretary and Medora H. Krieger was elected for two years.
No additional nominations were made for Treasurer and M. K. Carron was unanimously elected.
There were no additional nominations for members-at-large-of-the- Council and the following were elected: Alice Allen, J. R. Balsley, H. Hass, A. H. Koschmann, and V. E. McKelvey.
L. W. Currier was unanimously nominated for Vice-President of the Washington Academy of Sciences.
After a reading of a rough draft of the minutes by the Secretary the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
[signed Margaret D. Foster]