634th Meeting

January 9, 1946.


The 634th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, January 9, 1946, at 8:00, P.M. President W. H. Bradley, presiding.

The minutes of the 633rd meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Miss Leona Boardman, Geological Survey; Miss Winonah Eckstein, Geological Survey; Miss Annabelle Brown, Geological Survey; E. N. Cameron, Geological Survey; Jarvis B. Hadley, Geological Survey; Capt. R. Harold Draeger, Med. Corps. U S N

The President announced the resumption of the pre-war schedule of meetings and the death of John M. Nickles.

A memorial to Dr. C. N. Gilmore was read by Louis Gazin.

Informal communication: H. D. Miser – statistics of A A P G.

Regular Program

P. W. Guild and D. E. Flint – Chromite deposits of Camaguey Province, Cuba. Discussed by A. C. Spencer.

J. B. Hadley – Corundum deposits in the Buck Creek Peridotite, North Carolina. Discussed by A. C. Spencer, E. F. Burchard, F. G. Wells, W. Cady, Fred Wright, J. B Mertie, Jr.

G. D. Robinson – The 1945 eruption in Tulik Caldera, Umnak Island, Alaska. No discussion.

Attendance 120

At 10:00 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



635th Meeting

January 23, 1946


The 635th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, January 23, 1946, at 8:00 PM. Vice-President John C. Reed, presiding.

The minutes of the 634th meeting were read and approved. The Secretary announced the election to membership of George Gryc, Charles Hickox,  Joseph Hoare, Charles E. Kirschner, John B. Lyons, Richard Vosburg, Helmuth Wedow, Jr., Gilbert H. Espenshade (U.S. Geological Survey); Howard A. Meyerhoff, Secretary AAAS; Miss Hazel Thatcher, Weather Bureau.

An informal communication was presented by Marcus Goldman on an outfit for carrying acid.

Regular Program

John A. Straczek – Manganese deposits in eastern Cuba.. Discussed by A.C. Spencer and D. F. Hewett

George O. Gates – Recent exploration for oil in Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4, Alaska. No discussion.

V. E. McKelvey and J. R. Balsley – Distribution of Black Sands along part of the south Atlantic coast as mapped from an airplane. The. mineralogy of the black sands was discussed by J. B. Mertie, Jr.

Attendance 140

At 9:55 PM the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



636th Meeting

February 13, 1946


The 636th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, February 13, 1946, at 8:00 PM. President W. H. Bradley presiding.

The minutes of the 635th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Herbert E. Hawkes, U.S. Geological Survey.

The Secretary announced the following resignations: C. Maynard Boos, Harold B. Foxhall, Harold T. Stearns, M. King Hubbert, E. F. Osborn, Paul Buttermore.

Informal communications:

Michael Fleischer called attention to the publication, Chemical Abstracts, where reference to literature on Chemical Geology may be found.

S. E. Clabaugh discussed the spiral concentration used by the Humphreys Gold Operations on the black sands in Florida and showed a slide. Discussed by J. B. Mertie, Jr.

R. H. Jahns discussed the program of muscovite testing during 1945.

Regular Program

W. T. Pecora, M. R. Klepper, and D. M. Larrabee – Mica-bearing pegmatites in Minas Geraes, Brazil. Discussed by R. H. Jahns.

Edward G. Lewis – Tertiary geology of Northeastern Wind River Basin. Discussed by W. H. Bradley, W. G. Pierce, and C. J. Hares.

Frank A. Swenson – Geologic work for military forces on Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and in Korea.

Attendance 130

At 10:05 PM the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



637th Meeting

February 27, 1946


The 637th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, February 27, 1946, at 8:00 PM. President W. H. Bradley presiding.

The minutes of the 636th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of J. H. Wiese, U. S. Geological Survey.

Informal communications:

S. E. Clabaugh exhibited the Mineral Resources Maps of the Missouri River basin which have just been released. These were prepared by D. H. Dow in connection with the recent Missouri basin studies. Discussed by W. H. Bradley.

L. G. Henbest discussed Permian chert cobbles from the gravel beds of Eocene Age in the Ozarks.

Regular Program

Esther W. Claffy – Spectro-chemical analysis of rocks and minerals. Discussed by Felix Chayes and an unidentified gentleman.

Robert E. Wallace – Notes on Perma frost investigations in Alaska. Discussed by C. F. S. Sharpe, C. F. Park, Jr., Taisia Stadnichenko, L. G. Henbest, Gordon Davis, D. A. Andrews, A. D. Howard, R. R. Coats,. E. T. McKnight; W. H. Bradley, .J. C. Reed, J. B. Knight, C. S. Denny

David A. Andrews – Significance of stylolites in sandstone. Discussed by R. P. Fischer, W. H. Bradley, F. E. Ingerson, W. F. Foshag, C. F. S. Sharpe, K. J. Murata, E. T. McKnight, A. D. Howard.

Attendance 95

At.9:40 PM the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



638th Meeting

March 13, 1946


The 638th meeting of the Society was, held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, March 13, 1946, at 8:00 PM. President Bradley presiding.

The minutes of the 637th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the resignation of John S. Vhay.

New Business:

William G. Schlecht discussed pending legislation for control of atomic energy and urged the adoption of the original McMahon bill giving control to civilians. Ruth Schmidt announced that an exhibit of literature on the subject was in the next room, and urged members to write or telegraph the members of the Senate committee. After discussion by W. H. Bradley, Mr. Schlecht read a resolution urging the adoption of the original McMahon bill. After discussion by J. J. Fahey, G. E. Lewis, and C. F. Park, Jr., it was moved and seconded that the resolution be sent to the Senate, House., and President of the United States. Motion carried unanimously.

President Bradley appointed: a committee consisting of Michael Fleischer, R. B. Morrison, W. G. Schlecht, and Ruth Schmidt to prepare the resolution for transmittal.

At the suggestion of Mr. Bradley, it was moved and seconded that the resolution be given to the newspapers. Motion carried.

Informal communications:

Hal Shelton: new type of topographic map with which the Geological Survey is experimenting. Discussed by W. H. Bradley, A. D. Howard, and C. L. Gazin.

Regular Program

Lloyd G. Henbest – The Morrow Group of Northwest Arkansas. Discussed by H. D. Miser and J. S. Williams.

K. J. Murata – Red fluorescent halite from California and Idaho. Discussed by R. S. Cannon, Jr.

John F. Cady – Application of soil science in Geology, Discussed by W. H. Bradley and O. Pendleton.

Attendance 110

At 10:10 the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



639th Meeting

March 27, 1946


The 639th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, March 27, 1946, at 8:00 PM. President W. H. Bradley presiding.

The minutes of the 638th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Arthur D. Howard, U S G S; Robert M. McCormick, Metals Division, Tariff Bureau; Richard Smith, Natural Resources Dept., U. S. Chamber of Commerce.

Informal communications:

Gerald Fitzgerald: On Geological Survey experiment with relief models.

The Secretary read an announcement of the formation of a Utah Geological Society and its proposed publication of a guide book to the Geology of the Henry Mountains, copies of which must be ordered in advance of publication from Dr. George Selfridge, Dept. of Geology, University of Utah.

Regular Program

O. E. Meinzer – General principles of artificial ground water recharge. Discussed by W. H. Bradley and H. D. Miser.

Herbert E. Hawkes, Jr. – Geologic and magnetic exploration Adirondack iron ores. Discussed by W. H. Bradley and J. P. Marble.

Ralph L. Miller – Structure of the Cumberland overthrust block in southwest Virginia. Discussed by W. M. Cady and H. D. Miser.

Attendance 119

At 9:40 PM the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



640th Meeting

April 10, 1946.


The 640th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, April 10, 1946, at 8:00 P.M. President H. Bradley presiding.

The minutes of the 639th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of George L. Schoechle - U S National Museum, and the resignation of Margaret Fuller Boos.

President Bradley announced a meeting of the Am. Soc. of Photogrammetry to be held on Thursday April 18, at 8:00 P.M.

Informal communications:

Ruth Schmidt: Present status of the Atomic Energy Committee. Comments by T. W. Vaughan.

Leona Boardman: Compilation of geologic maps. Comments by W. W. Rubey, P. B. King, W. D. Johnston, W. H. Bradley, H. I. Smith, T. B. Nolan, and A. C. Bevan.

T. W. Vaughan called the attention of those interested in gravimetric work to a report on 8000 gravity stations in Burma published in the latest volume of the Proc. of the Geological Society of London.

Regular Program

G. A. Cooper: The role of fossils in stratigraphy. Discussed by P. B. King, T. W. Vaughan, J. S. Williams, and L.W. Stephenson.

Ernst Cloos: A preliminary report on the geology of Montgomery Co., Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Discussed by A. C. Bevan and W. M. Cady.

Attendance 195.

At 9:25 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



641st Meeting


April 24, 1946.

The 641st meeting of the Society wad held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, Apri1 24, 1946, at 8:00 PM, Vice-President J. C. Reed presiding.

The minutes of the 640th meeting were read and approved. The Secretary announced the election to membership of Robert Thurrell, Jr., USGS, and John D. Strobell, Jr., USGS.

W. W. Rubey announced that two members of the Society, W. H. Bradley and W. P. Woodring, had been elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences.

Regular program

T. S. Lovering: Some chemical aspects of hydrothermal alteration in the Tintic district, Utah. Discussed by Herbert Insley, W. T. Schaller, R. R. Coats, M. I. Goldman, D. F. Hewett, and E. N. Goddard.

T. P. Thayer: Late stage of the erosion cycle in tropical rain forests.

Attendance 100

At 9:30 PM the meeting adjourned

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



642nd Meeting

October 23, 1946


The 642nd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening; October 23, 1946, at 8:00 P.M. President W. H. Bradley presiding.

The minutes of the 641st meeting, were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Allen H. Nicol, USGS; Quentin D. Singewald, USGS; Irving G. Irving, Civilian Production Board

The President announced the death of Gerald F. Loughlin, member and former President of the Society.

Regular program

Tracey, Joshua I., Jr.: Reefs and Islands of the Marshall group.

Revelle, Roger: Some scientific dividends of the atom bomb tests at Bikini. Official atom bomb movie was also shown.

Attendance 170

At 10:15 P.M. the meeting adjourned

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



643rd Meeting

November 13, 1946


The 643rd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, November 13, 1946, at 8:00 P.M. President W. H. Bradley presiding.

The minutes of the 642nd meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to active membership of Fred Cater, USGS; John R. Cooper, USGS; Watson H. Monroe, USGS; C. K. Leith; Dr. Robert W. Augustine; Col. John F. Ruckman; Dr. E. F. Osborn, Head, Department of Earth Sciences, Penn State College, Corresponding member.

The Secretary read a letter from the Washington Loan and Trust Company announcing the anonymous donation of two prizes - a first prize of $25.00 and a second prize of $10.00 for the best two papers presented before the Society during the calendar year, 1947.

Regular program

Ross, Clyde P.: Structure of the front of the Bitterroot Range, Montana. Discussed by A. C. Bevan.

Holtedahl, Olaf: The West Scandinavian (Caledonian) Mountain Range. Discussed by W. P. Woodring, A. J. Stose, and W. D. Johnston.

Hawkes, Herbert F.: The Geological Survey's geo-chemical prospecting unit. Discussed by O. N: Rove.

Informal communication by N. H. Darton – Basis of map projections.

Attendance 120

At 9:40 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



644th Meeting

November 27, 1946


The 644th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, November 27, 1946, at 8:00 P.M., President W. H. Bradley presiding.

The minutes of the 643rd meeting were read and approved.

J. S. Williams, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, announced that, as the retiring President of the Society declined the nomination of Vice-President Washington Academy of Sciences, Rubey had been nominated to fill this position. He also announced that the name of one of the nominees for member at Large of the Council would be announced at the next meeting as having just been elected to membership in the Society.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Joshua I. Tracey, USGS; J. D. Cerkel, Jr., USGS; Henry R. Joesting, USGS; Alfred R. Loeblich, Jr., National Museum; Mrs. Ray Whitson.

Informal Communication:

Fernand Albert J. Blondel, Chief Geologist of French Territories – Recent developments in North Africa, mentioning the preparation of the 1:5,000,000 geologic map of Africa. Published & proof copies of completed sections of this map were exhibited at the close of the meeting.

Regular program

Woodring, Wendell P.: Marine terrace deposits of mountainous coasts. Discussed by F. G. Wells, G. W. Stose, A. D. Howard, R. R. Coats

Monroe, Watson H.: Recent changes in the stratigraphy of the Gulf Coast Cretaceous. Discussed by C. W. Cooke and H. D. Miser.

Johnston, William D., Jr.: The Geological Survey in Latin America. Discussed by C. W. Wright, F.A. J. Blondel, T. A. Hendricks.

Attendance 110

At 9:35 the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



645th Meeting

December 11, 1946


The 645th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Wednesday evening, December 11, 1946, at 8:00 P.M. President W. H. Bradley presiding.

The minutes of the 644th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of Farrel F. Barnes, William A. Rowell, Maxim M. Elias, Charles G. Johnson, Donald Dow, Gordon B. Page, William G. Schlecht, Howard H. Waldron, Sarah Johnson (all U.S.G.S.)

President Bradley then requested Vice-President Reed to take the Chair, and the latter called on the President to deliver his address:

Presidential Address: Limnology and the Eocene lakes of the Rocky Mountain region.

Attendance 140

At 9:20 the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]



54th Annual Meeting

December 11, 1946

The Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Society was called to order by. President Bradley at 9:30 P.M., 115 members being present at the time.

The minutes of the fifty-third meeting were read and approved.

The Annual Reports of the Secretaries were read and approved.

The Annual Report of the Treasurer was presented.

The Auditing Committee, composed of R. P. Fischer, Chairman, and J. D. Strobell reported that the books of the Treasurer were correct. The reports of the Treasurer and the Auditing Committee were accepted and the Treasurer's report was ordered filed.


The President requested the Society to consider the question of decreasing assets and refreshments at the meetings.

Mr. Lohman proposed the following amendment to Article III, "Dues" of the Standing Rules:

“The annual dues to active members shall be three dollars payable at the beginning of the year.”

The one change proposed is in the amount, from two to three dollars. Moved, seconded. Discussion by, Rubey, Fleischer, Fahey, and others. McKelvey pointed out that the Standing Rules can not be amended at the meeting at which they are proposed.

Motion tabled until next meeting.

The Society then proceeded to the election of officers for the year 1947 from the following nominations proposed by the Nominating Committee:

President: Wendell P. Woodring

Vice-Presidents,: (Two to be elected) Ernst Cloos, Carle H. Dane, Edward P. Henderson, William D. Johnston, Jr.

Secretary: (One to be elected for two years) George T. Faust, Mary E. Hill.

Treasurer: M. K. Carron

Members-at-large-of-the-Council: (Five to be elected): Paul Averitt, Gordon Davis, Gilbert H. Espenshade, Robert E. Fellows, John T. Hack, Marjorie Hooker, Ralph W. Imlay, S. K. Love, William G. Schlect, Ralph E. Van Alstine.

Vice-President, Washington Academy of Sciences: W. W, Rubey.

The President announced that Rossman, Strobell, and Eckstein had been appointed tellers, with a number of assistants.

It was moved that the nomination for president be closed. Hendricks objected to such tactics, but the motion was sustained and Wendell P. Woodring was elected by unanimous vote.

The retiring President then called on the newly elected President to assume the Chair. In reply to calls for speech, the new President graciously acceded briefly.

No additional nominations for Vice-President were made and E. Cloos and C. H. Dane were elected.

No additional nominations for Secretary were made and G. T. Faust was elected.

No additional nominations for Treasurer were made and M. K. Carron was unanimously elected.

No additional nominations for members-at-large-of-the-Council were made and Paul Averitt, Gordon Davis, Marjorie Hooker, William G. Schlect, and Robert F. Fellows were elected.

W. W. Rubey was unanimously nominated for Vice-President of the Washington Academy of Sciences.

Mr. Lohman moved that the Society instruct the President to hold speakers to their allotted time.. After considerable discussion for and against the motion and several amendments to the motion which were defeated, the motion was defeated. Mr. Mertie suggested a sargent-at-arms to forcibly eject speakers who exceeded their allotted time and Mr. Johnston suggested that Mr. Mertie be so designated.

Mr. Fleischer proposed that the Society express its appreciation to the Program Committee for the excellent meetings during the past year.

Reading of a rough draft of the minutes by the Secretary was omitted, possibly so that the members could get at the refreshments sooner.

At 10:25 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

[signed Medora H. Kreiger]
