658th Meeting
January 14, 1948
The 658th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, January 14, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., President Rubey presiding.
The minutes of the 657th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of W. O. Smith, U.S.G.S.
Regular program:
E. A. Johnson – History of the earth's magnetic field. Discussed by L. H. Adams, Rubey, and Goldman.
Paul Niggli – Some aspects of the geology, petrography, and mineralogy of Switzerland.
Attendance 171
At 10:10 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Donald H. Dow
January 28, 1948
The 659th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club Wednesday evening, January 240 1944, at 8:13 P.M., President Rubey presiding.
The minutes of the 658th meeting were read and approved.
The President announced the Geological Society of America accepted the invitation to hold the 1950 meetings in Washington, D. C. The following were appointed to the Local Committee: A. A. Baker General Chairman; S. E. Schairer Vice Chairman; J. P. Marble, Treasurer.
The following were appointed to the Advisory Subcommittee: E Ingerson, H. Insley, S. Paige, W. E. Wrather, C. L. Gazin, J. S. Williams.
Other subcommittee chairmen or members also may be appointed later.
Informal communication:
Dr. Frank Byrne: Geologic maps for construction materials.
Regular program:
J. S. Williams – Mississippian-Pennsylvanian contact in north central Rockies. Discussed by: Baker, Delo, Hendricks
A. C. Bevan – High Plateau Drift, Beartooth Mts., Montana. Discussed by: Ray.
David Gallagher – Lantern Slide Illustrations. Discussed by: Henbest, Thayer, Bevan
Attendance: 109
At 10:01 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Donald H. Dow,
February 11, 1948
The 660th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, February 11, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., President Rubey presiding.
The minutes of the 659th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of Dr. W. C. Phalen.
Informal Communications:
C. S. Ross – Bentonite in the Chattanooga shale. Discussed by: Rubey, Henbest.
Regular program.
Max W. Ball – The oil supply situation. Discussed by: Gazan, Bodenlos, Sayre, Bates, Sohn, Miser, Mr. Darton, Rubey, Mrs. Darton.
N. H. Darton – Sedimentary formations of the Washington region Discussed by: Monroe.
C. B. Hunt – Some results of the studies being made in the Lake Bonneville Basin. Discussed by: Sayre, Johnston, Marble, Wahrhaftig, Thayer, Rubey, Miser.
Attendance: 164
At 9:50 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
[signed Donald H. Dow]
February 25, 1948
The 661st meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening February 25, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., President Rubey presiding.
The minutes of the 660th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of: Max W. Bauer, National Park service; Dean S. Carter, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
Informal Communications:
F. L. Campbell – The Scientific Monthly.
Regular program.
L. W. Currier – Mode of Wisconsin deglaciation in eastern Massachusetts. Discussed by Henbest, Paige, Flint.
R. F. Black C. S. Denny, Kirk Bryan – A discussion of sonic problems of permafrost and Arctic geomorphology. Discussed by: Johnston, Flint, Coats, Stadnichenko.
Attendance: 163
At 10:10 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
[signed Donald H. Dow]
March 10, 1948
The 662nd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening March 10, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., President Rubey, presiding.
The minutes of the 661st meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of: Loran Stieff, Theodore Bottinelly, E. P. Butler, E. E. Garrett, M. E. Wing, and D. I. Sterns (U. S. Geological Survey); R. E. Fleming – Hydrographic Office, U. S. Navy
Regular program.
D. M. Delo – The geologist in uniform - World War II. Discussed by: Loeblich, Whitmore, Coats, Straley, Rubey, Marble, Miller.
Josue G. Mendes – Brazilian evidence bearing on Du Toit's geological comparison of South America with South Africa. Discussed by: Williams, Stanton, Sharpe.
Birbal Sahni – Fossil plants and earth movements. Discussed by: Carter.
Attendance 105
At 10:10 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Donald H. Dow
March 24, 1948
The 663rd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening March 24, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., President Rubey, presiding.
The minutes of the 662nd meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of Hubert Lakin and Laura Reichen, U. S. Geological Survey:
Informal: Communications:
J. Schopf: An unusual spheroidal nodule found in a cool pit. Discussed by: Helen Cannon, Lill, Rubey.
Regular program.
D. C. Duncan and N. M. Denson – Oil-shale deposits in the vicinity of the Naval Oil Shale Reserve, Garfield County, Colorado. Discussed by: Fahey, Sears, Pierce, Schopf
J. A. Reinemund – The Triassic basin in central North Carolina. Discussed by: Schopf, Rubey, Brown, Reeside.
A. A. Baker, J. Huddle, and D. M. Kinney – Some features of the Paleozoic geology of the Uinta Basin, Utah. Discussed by: Williams.
Attendance 122
At 10:02 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Donald H. Dow
April 14, 1948
The 664th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening April 14, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., President Rubey, presiding.
The minutes of the 663rd meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of Sgt. Harold Drewes, U. S. Army; Miss H. G. Townsend, GSA Bibliographic group
Informal Communications:
W. T. Schaller: Memorial to N. H. Darton.
J. S. Williams: Request for papers to be published in the Journal of Washington Academy of Sciences.
Regular program.
George Gryc – Paleontologic studies of upper Cretaceous in northern Alaska. Discussed by: Woodring, Paine, Hawkes, Stadnichenko, Lill.
Walter S. White – Cleavage in east central Vermont. Discussed by: Paige, Hawkes
Merle A. Tuve – Progress report on deep seismic shots. Discussed by: Rubey, Carter, Smith, Bates, Neumann.
Attendance 101
At 10:07 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Donald H. Dow
April 28, 1948
The 665th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening April 28, 1948 at 8.00 P M, President Rubey, presiding.
The minutes of the 664th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of J. Hiram Smith, U. S. Geological Survey
Regular program.
Esther W. Claffy – The polarograph method for determining trace elements in rocks and minerals. Discussed by Marble, Stevens.
K J. Murata – The causes of fluorescence in minerals. Discussed by. Marble, Schulman, Rubey, Ingerson, Coates, Johnston, Milton, Fleischer, Lill.
T. S. Lovering – Temperatures near a batholith. Discussed by: Coates.
Attendance 107
At 9:34 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Donald H. Dow
May 12, 1948
The 666th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, May 12, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., President Rubey, presiding.
The minutes of the 665th meeting were read and approved.
Regular program.
K. E. Lohman – Paleoecology, an integral part of paleontology (read by H. S. Ladd). Discussed by Johnston: Rubey, and Vaughn.
A.S. Knox – Fossil pollen and paleoclimatology. Discussed by: Hendes, Tafge, Marble, Schopf, Rubey, and Lovering.
R. H. Fleming – The new look in oceanography. Discussed by: Hawkins, Woodring, Bradley, Tafge, Carter: Schopf, Bradley.
Attendance 99
At 9:40 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Donald H. Dow
October 13, 1948
The 667th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly hal1 of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, October 13, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., President Rubey presiding.
The minutes of the 666th meeting were read and approved.
Regular program.
J. L. Anderson -- An interpretation of the subsurface geology of the Eastern shore of Maryland based on the drilling of three deep oil tests. Discussed by: Woodring Reeside, Goldman
Paul L. Applin and Charles Milton—Buried pre-Mesozoic rocks in Florida and adjacent states. Discussed by: Payne
Maurice Ewing – Geophysical investigation of the Atlantic Shelf. Discussed by: Rubey, Goldman, Revelle, Loeblich, Carter, Tuve, Piggot.
Attendance 130
At 10:00 the meeting adjourned.
Donald H. Dow
October 27, 1948
The 668th meeting of the Society was hold in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club. Wednesday evening, October 27, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., President Rubey presiding.
The minutes of the 667th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of: G. S. Corchery, Mrs. D. H. Condon, W. H. Condon, A. M. Holt, R. H. Barnard, R. K. Sorem, G. R. Gwynn (U. S. Geological Survey); W.E Davies, Army Map Service
Informal Communications
November 10th meeting canceled by vote of members. Proposed constitution presented to the members and discussed by H. G. Ferguson.
Regular program.
G. L. Davis: Radium content of ultra-mafic rocks. Discussed by: Marble, Urry.
H. H. Hess: Geologic interpretation of the Ra content of ultra-mafic rocks. Discussed by: Yagoda, Marble, Thayer, Ross, Fleischer.
W. D. Urry: Radio generation of heat in the interior of the Earth. Discussed by: Rubey, Piggott, Marble.
Attendance: 120
At 10 00 P.M. the meeting adjourned,
Donald H. Dow
November 24, 1948
The 669th meeting of the Society was held in the assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, November 24, 1948, at 8:00 PM, President Rubey presiding.
The minutes of the 668th meeting were read and approved,
Herbert Insley, Chairman, read an amendment to the Nominating Committee’s report, nominating Ralph E. Van Alstine and Ralph W. Imlay for Secretary in the places of William T. Pecora and Michael Fleischer, who refused to serve
Marcus Goldman presented some amendments to the revision of the Constitution. Discussed by Woodring, Rubey, Mertie, and Knight.
Informal Communications
A. Nelson Sayre presented a memorial to O. E. Meinzer. Louis L. Ray presented a memorial to Francois E. Matthes.
Regular program
Clyde P. Ross: Bearing of the region south of Glacier National Park on the Lewis Overthrust and Belt Stratigraphy. Discussed by Cobb and Bridge.
James M. Schopf. Methods and concepts of coal petrography. Discussed by Williams, Monroe and Henbest.
G. Arthur Cooper: Facies in the Ordovician of the Appalachians. Discussed by Miller.
Attendance: 92.
At 10:06 the meeting adjourned.
K. E. Lohman,
Acting Secretary.
December 8, 1948
The 670th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening December 8, 1948, at 8:00 P.M., Vice President Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 669th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of: John C. Rabbitt, Mary Rabbitt, Henry F. Berryhill, Donald M. Brown, H. Reed Christner, Helen F. Pulver, Harry A. Tourtelot (U. S. Geological Survey); Col. O. F. Kotick, Dep. Dir., Naval Petroleum Resources.
Informal Communications
L. G. Henbest: 25th anniversary of Cushman laboratory of Foraminiferal Research.
Vice President Lohman called on the President to deliver his address:
Presidential Address: W. W. Rubey, The problem of changes in composition of seawater and atmosphere during the geologic past.
Attendance: 160
At 9:10 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Donald H. Dow
December 8, 1948
The 56th Annual Meeting of the Society was called to order by President Rubey at 9:30 P.M. with 84 members present.
The minutes of the 55th Annual meeting were read and approved.
The annual report of the Treasurer was presented. The auditing committee, composed of E. T. McKnight, chairman, R E. Fellows, and M. D. Foster, reported the books of the Treasurer were correct. The reports of the Treasurer and the Auditing Committee were then accepted.
The annual report of the Secretaries was read and approved.
The Committee on Excellence of Presentation of Papers composed of T. B. Nolan, chairman, M. I. Goldman, Herbert Insley, H. S. Ladd, and F. C. Whitmore, Jr., selected the two papers best presented before the Society in 1948. The first prize of $25.00 was given to J. A. Reinemund and the second prize of $10.00 was given to George Gryc.
The revised constitution first presented to the Society on October 27, 1948 by H. G. Ferguson, chairman of the revising committee composed of himself, W. P. Woodring, and J. B. Mertie, was brought before the membership for consideration. It was moved by Ferguson and seconded by Baker that the revised constitution be accepted. Amendments were proposed by Goldman and after discussion by Ferguson, Mertie, Bradley, Goldman, Ingerson and Urry were put to a vote. The following amendments were adopted:
Article V. Amendments: First five words of second sentence (If approved by the Council) deleted from the Constitution.
By-Laws-Article VII: First five words of second sentence (If approved by the Council) deleted from the Constitution.
By-Laws-Article V: Add at the end of Article V the following: Where the number of candidates on a given ballot and the number of vacancies to be filled by that ballot is such that voting may not result in a majority for the number of candidates to be elected, voting may, at the discretion of the Council or by a majority vote of the members present at any election, be by the preferential ballot according to the Hare system.
The revised Constitution as amended was then adopted.
A motion by Mertie was seconded that in view of the condition of the record book carried by the secretaries, a new, loose-leaf notebook of 100% rag-paper be provided was rejected by the membership after hearing that new notebooks were available and would be in use at the next treating.
A motion by McKelvey seconded by Bradley that monoculars or binoculars be provided the operators of the projector in the hope they would be more successful in focusing the instrument was withdrawn upon assurance the new Council would pursue the matter.
The Society then turned to the election of officers for the, year 1949 from the following nominations proposed by the Nominating Committee: President–James S. Williams; Vice-Presidents – Earl Ingerson, H. S. Ladd, E. T. McKnight, A. N. Sayre (Two to be elected); Secretary – (For two years) H. W. Imlay, N. E. Van Alstine (One to be elected); Treasurer – Charlotte Marsh Warshaw; Members-At-Large of the Council – D. H. Dunkle, Wenonah Eckstein, W. F. Guyton, P. L. Killeen, A. R. Loeblich, Frank Stead, O. F. Tuttle, Alvin Van Valkinburg, Frank Whitmore (Five to be elected); Vice-President, Washington Academy of Sciences - J. B. Reeside, Jr.
It was moved, seconded, and passed unanimously that the nominations for President be closed. It was moved, seconded, and passed that J. S. Williams be elected unanimously. The retiring President asked the newly elected President to assume the chair, which he did.
Tellers to count the ballots were Van Alstine (Chairman) McKelvey, Butler, and Flint.
It was moved, seconded, and passed that nominations for Vice-President be closed, and Earl Ingerson and E. T. McKnight were elected 1st and 2nd Vice-President, respectively.
It was moved, seconded, and passed that nominations for Secretary be closed and R. E. Van Alstine was elected.
The nominations for Treasurer were closed and Charlotte Marsh Warshaw was re-elected unanimously.
The nominations for members-at-large of the Council were closed and D. H. Dunkle, Wenonah Eckstein, P. L. Killeen, O. F. Tuttle, and F. C. Whitmore were elected.
The six members still at the meeting graciously consented to dispense with a reading of a rough draft of the minutes and the meeting adjourned at 11:28 P.M.
Donald H. Dow