GSW: 1950
January 11, 1950
The 683rd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, January 11, 1950, at 8:00 P.M.,
President L. H. Adams, presiding.
The minutes of the 682nd meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary read two announcements, one of an advanced
course in Dynamic Geology to be given jointly by the Graduate School of the U.
S. Department of Agriculture and the U. S. Geological Survey and taught by W.
T. Pecora, and the other an invitation to attend a discussion on Photogeology
at the meeting of the American Society of Photogrammetry, January 13, 1950.
The Secretary also announced that the Society had received a
gift of $35.00 from an anonymous donor, which money is to be used as prizes for
the two papers judged to be the best presented in 1950, $25.00 to be given as
first prize and $10.00 as second prize. The Secretary also announced that the
Chairman of the Committee of Judges has been appointed by President Adams.
There were no informal communications.
W. T. Pecora, Tectonic significance of ruptured Eocene
John R. Cooper, Metamorphism of the carbonate rocks at
F. G. Wells, Ensimatic and ensialic geosynclines. Discussed by
Ferguson, Rubey, Coates.
Attendance 151
At 9:40 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Lloyd G. Henbest
684th Meeting
25 January 1950
The 684th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, 25 January, 1950, at 8:00 P.M.,
President L. H. Adams, presiding.
The minutes of the 683rd meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of: William
P. Brasge, Warren L. Coonrad, John R. Cooper, Robert L. Detterman, Bion H.
Kent, Herbert B. Nichols,
Hillard N. Reiser, John M. Stevens, Gene E. Tolbert (
Wallace W. Atwood, Research and Development Board; Beauregard
Perkins, Office of Naval Research; Theodore J. Putney, Office of Naval
The secretary also announced that the membership
classification of James Schopf and John H. Ruckman was changed to
Corresponding, and that the resignations of Stanley W. Lohman and Mrs. Jean
Weiss Frondel were accepted.
A memorial for the late Norman Davidson was given by J. J.
The regular program followed:
E. H. Lathram, Heavy mineral correlation in northern
H. D. Miser, Making a geologic map of Oklahoma.
The attendance was 147
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
Lloyd G. Henbest
Informal note: Following the meeting refreshments were
served. The beer pump broke down. A slight murmuring of the multitude of
thirsty geologists was audible. –L.G.H.
685th Meeting
8 February 1950
The 685th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, 8 February 1950, at 8:03 P.M., President
L. H. Adams presiding.
The minutes of the 684th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of Jean
Weiser, Geological Survey. The following were transferred from active to
corresponding members:. Richard W. Lemke, Frank M. Myers, Jr., and John Eric,
all of the Geological Survey. Henry R.
Aldrich, Secretary, Geological Society of America, was elected
to corresponding membership.
Informal Communications
J. Fahey exhibited signatures of three charter members and
compared their signatures 50 years later. [note from Ed., 2005 Jan.: Fahey’s
slide is on file in the GSW archives]
Regular program
John W. Graham, O. W.
Torreson, and Edgar Bowles, Problems of rock magnetism and the earth's magnetic
history. Discussed by Schairer, Osborn,
Ross, Coats, and Insley.
Charles A. Anderson, Alterations in the Bagdad Porphyry
O.[?] A. Andrews, Mineral resources problems of
Attendance 163
At 9:37 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
[signed Lloyd G. Henbest]
686th Meeting
22 February 1950
The 686th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, 22 February 1950, at 8:00 P.M.,
President L. H. Adams, presiding.
The minutes of the 685th meeting were read and approved.
Informal Communications:
Thomas G. Payne on the definition and nature of graywacke.
Discussed by Butler and Goldman.
Regular Program:
Arthur L. Bowsher - Geology of a part of the Brooks Range,
V. E. McKelvey - Domestic reserves of various elements
compared to their relative abundance in the earth's crust. Discussed by Adams
and Lasky.
P. E. Cloud, Jr. - Ngauruhoe, a
Attendance 98
At 9:26 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Lloyd G. Henbest
687th Meeting
8 March 1950
The 687th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly of
the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, 8 March 1950, at 8:00 P.M., President L. H.
Adams presiding.
The minutes of the 686th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of David J.
Weigle, Central Intelligence Agency.
Carl Fries Jr. and Stuart R. Wallace were transferred to
corresponding Members.
Informal Communications
Memorial to George S. Rice was offered by H. I. Smith, lately
of the Bureau of Mines.
Mertie discussed the uses of an ellipsoidal frame of reference
in delineating evolute folds. Discussed by Rubey.
Regular Program:
Ralph L. Miller - Overthrusts and underthrusts in the southern
Jean Hough - Patterns of evolution in Early Tertiary
carnivores. Discussed by Whitmore.
L. R. Stieff (speaker), M. N. Girard, and T. W. Stern -
Problem of the age of Colorado carnotite. Discussed by Poire, Murata, and
Attendance 141
At 10:12 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Lloyd G. Henbest
Geological Society of
688th Meeting
22 March, 1950
The 688th Meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held
in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, 22 March, 1950, at
8:00 P.M., President L. H. Adams, presiding.
The minutes of the 687th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of
Setembrino Petri, Exchange Fellow in the Geological Survey from the University
of Sao Paulo, Brazil; and of Ben J. Forrest Uhl, Petroleum Reserves Board, U.
S. Department of Defense.
Informal Communications
President L. H. Adams spoke on the values of being brief and
of keeping within the time allowed by the program. He also demonstrated the
Atkinson signal device for indicating time - presumably speakers time
rather than geologic time.
Regular Program
Frank Reeves – A recently discovered meteorite crater in
A. Nelson Sayre - The water supply situation in the
Robert H. Stewart - The problem of submarine phosphate off.
Attendance 105
Meeting Adjourned 9:56 P.M.
Lloyd G. Henbest
Geological Society of
12 April 1950
689th Meeting
The 689th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was
held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening , 12 April,
1950, 8.00 p.m., President L. H. Adams presiding.
The minutes of the 688th meeting were read, corrected, and
The Secretary announced the election to membership of Leroy M.
Otis, Office of Materials Resources,
Munitions Board.
There were no Informal Communications.
K. J. Murata (Speaker), E. A. Cisney, L.R. Stieff, and E.V.
Zworykin - Base exchange, hydration, and solarization properties of synthetic
carnotite and related compounds. Discussed by Marble, Rubey, Stieff, and
J. D. Love - Problems of Upper Cretaceous stratigraphy of
V. P. Sokoloff - Geochemical exploration in
Attendance 129; Meeting adjourned at 9.32 p .m.
Lloyd G. Henbest
Geological Society of
26 April 1950
690th Meeting
The 690th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was
held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, 26 April 1950,
8:00 P.M., President L. H. Adams presiding.
The minutes of the 689th meeting were read and approved.
The regular program followed:
Allan P. Bennison and Charles Milton – Geology. Discussed by Pecora, Chayes, and Hotz.
James R. Balsley - Geophysical correlation. Discussed by Joesting, Schlecht, Hotz, and
Rollin E. Stevens - Geochemical tests. Discussed by Murata and Milton.
Laurence P. Buck - Engineering soils maps. Discussed by Allen, Allen, and Milton.
Following the regular program an informal communication was
made by W. W. Rubey announcing that copies of a Newsletter from the American
Geological Institute were at hand for distribution to those present.
Attendance 145
Meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
R. E. Van Alstine Secretary
Geological Society of
October 11, 1950
691st Meeting
The 691st meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was
held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, October 11,
1950, at 8:00 P.M., President L. H. Adams presiding.
The minutes of the 690th meeting were read and approved.
Announcements -
Mr. Currier requested help for the forthcoming Pick and Hammer
Informal Communications -
David Delo briefly described the National Defense Program of
the American Geological Institute and stated that pamphlets prepared on this
subject by the Institute were available for distribution. The Institute intends
to help supply information on geologists for the National Scientific Register
and to establish a national reporting system for all geologists who enter the
Armed Services. A plea for cooperation and help was made.
Regular Program
H. A. Meyerhoff - Classification of Antillean landforms
Discussed by
M. M. Knechtel - Mounds and mud cracks Discussed by Cloud.
Attendance: 138
At 9:50.P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Ralph E. Van Alstine,
Geological Society of
October 25, 1916
692d Meeting
The 692d meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was
held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday October 25, 1950, at
8:00 P.M., President L. H. Adams presiding.
The minutes of the 691st meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of the
following: Joseph Berman, Leonard D. Harris, Muriel E. Tara, Lawrence D.
Bonham, Allen V. Heyl, James V. A. Trumbull, James R. Burns, Ellen L. James,
Ann Vlisidis, Alfred L. Bush, Joan M. Marshall, Helen A. Woodmansee, Louis D.
Carswell, Mary Lee Mote, Walter C. Woodrnansee, Marjorie A. Cramer, Meyer
Rubin, Regina M. Yoast, Frances M. Flint, Thomas A. Steven, Ruth C. Young, all
of the U.S. Geological Survey; Carroll N. Roberts, U . S. Bureau of Mines; John A. Poulin, Frank Reeves, Oil and Gas
Division, Department of Interior.
Informal Communication:
W. E. B. Benson described and illustrated a method of
reproducing geologic maps in color (for preliminary distribution) by a
streamlined modification of the hectograph process.
Regular program:
John K. Hartsock - Bottom sediments off the coast of
Parke D. Snavely - Oligocene sill-like intrusions of gabbro
and related rocks in the Coast Range of Oregon. Discussed by Wells, Pecora,
Pierce, and Yagi.
Howard E. Tatel - Seismic wave patterns from explosions. Discussed by Balsley, Joesting, Carter,
Outlaw, Adams, and Monroe.
Attendance: 103
At 10:01 P.M. the meeting adjourned.
Ralph E. Van Alstine,
Geological Society of
November 8, 1950
The 693rd meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was
held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, November 8,
1950, at 8:00 P.M., President L. H. Adams presiding.
The minutes of the 692nd meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to membership of the
following: Robert H. Stewart, U. S. Geological Survey; Richard E. Blackwelder,
U. S. National Museum.
F. E. Wright read a memorial to J. N. Fenner.
James R. Balsley announced that the Pick and Hammer show,
which is to be given at the Lisner Auditorium Friday evening, November 17, will
be repeated the following night.
The Regular program followed:
C. L. Moody - Observations on the geologic history of the
T. P. Thayer - Physiographic interrelations of gold placers,
climatic change, and human occupancy in
Attendance: 133
Meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
Lloyd G. Henbest
Secretary's Report, December 13, 1950
694th Meeting
The 694th Meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was
held in the Assembly Hall. of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, December 13,
1950 at 8:05 p.m.,
The minutes of the 693rd meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced that Douglas Ball, Oil and Gas
Consultant was elected to membership.
W. D. Johnston introduced Dr. P. K. Gasch, Superintendent of
the Geological Survey of India and Dr. Remy
Lemoine, specialist on Groundwater geology from Hatji.
A memorial to Kirk Bryan by Louis Ray was presented.
The address by the retiring President, Leason H. Adams on
"Orbis Terrarum, a century of review" vas presented.
At the conclusion of the address,
Attendance 111
Meeting adjourned at 9:85 p. m.
[signed Lloyd G. Henbest, Secretary]
58th Annual Meeting
December 13, 1950
The 58th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of
Washington, held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, was called to Order
President Adams was unable to preside because of the Annual
Meeting of the Carnegie Institution.
The minutes of the 57th Annual Meeting were read and J. S.
Williams moved that they be approved along with their obvious errors. Motion
The annual report of the Secretaries for the Year 1950 was
read and approved.
The annual report of the Treasurer was presented by Treasurer
C. M. Warshaw. The Auditing Committee consisting of Earl Ingerson (Chairman)
and Michael Fleisher reported that it had examined the records of the Treasurer
and found them correct. It was moved that the reports of the Treasurer and of
the Auditing Committee be accepted. Motion passed.
The Committee report for awarding prizes for the best papers
of the Year 1950, was presented by Herbert Insley, Chairman, W. W. Rubey, J. W.
Greig, and J. S. Williams. First prize of $25.00 was awarded to Francis G.
Wells for his paper January 11, 1950 on "Ensimatic and ensialic
Geosynclines." Second Prize of $10.00 was awarded to K. J. Murata for his
presentation of the paper by K. J. Murata E. A. Cisney, L. R. Stieff and E. V.
Zworykin on "Base Exchange, hydration, and Solarization properties of
Synthetic Carnotite and related Compounds." April 12, 1950. The report of
the Committee was approved.
R. R. Coates requested a report from the Council on the last
question which the Council had been requested by the 57th Annual Meeting to
study. It was not clear from Mr. Coates' statement whether he was referring to
a study of the quality of the beer or to the distribution of copies of. the
Constitution of the Society. This request was ruled out of order. R. R. Coates
W. Woodring moved and M. Gordon seconded, that the new council
investigate the possibility of serving a better grade of beer and that the
Council report its findings at the first meeting of the Society in January
1951. J. S. Williams moved to amend the motion by adding that the Council
continue studying this problem as it has been doing for so many years.
Amendment carried. Question called and motion carried.
J. B. Mertie suggested that Guenther' s Beer be disqualified
because of the raucous advertising broadcast in its favor on the street cars.
The Society then proceeded to the election of. officers for
the Year 1951.
nominations be closed. Motion seconded and carried. W.
Woodring moved that the Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for
Nominee A. N. Sayre. Motion seconded and carried.
Election of 1st Vice-President was called to order and no
additional nominations from the floor were offered. K. E. Lohman was elected.
Election, of 2nd Vice-President was called to order. It was
moved that nominations be closed. Motion seconded and carried. R. S. Cannon was
K. E. Lohman moved that the reading of the rough draft of the
minutes be deferred until the next annual meeting. Motion seconded and passed.
Meeting adjourned.
Lloyd G. Henbest