Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

January 9, 1952

The 707th meeting of the Geological.Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club on January 9, 1952, at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge presiding.

The minutes of the 706th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to active membership of the following: Howard Jaffe and Richard Erd, Geochemistry & Petrology Branch, Geological Surrey; Ray Zimian, George Ugrenic, and S. Roth, Bureau of Standards; Lt. Robert Fitzpatrick, U.S.N.R., Field Project Branch, Earth Science Division, Office of Naval Research.

The Secretary announced also that 18 members had been dropped for non-payment of dues.

President Bridge announced the appointment of the new Committee on Communications:

Harry A. Tourtelot, Chairman, John H. Eric, Arthur J. Boucot, and Raymond E. Miller.

Rollin E. Stevens read a memorial to R. K. Bailey.

Chalmer L. Cooper introduced J. V. Howell, Tulsa, Oklahoma, as Chairman of the A.G.I. Committee engaged in preparing a glossary of geologic terms.

President Bridge extended his thanks to the retiring Committee on Communications for arranging the program for the 707th meeting, which followed:

A. S. Romer; Classification of animals.  Discussed by Henbest, Cooper, Blackwelder, and Goldman

Felix Chayes; The common names of granite.  Discussed by Mertie, Rogers, Johnston, Nickels, Coates, and Cloud.

W. P. Woodring; Stratigraphic classification and nomenclature.  Discussed by Flint, Mertie, Bradley, Monroe, Kupfer, Lohman, McKelvey, Rogers, Coates, Dempsey, Cooper, Butler, Grunig, Gordon, Chayes, Fahey, Rubey, and Brauner.

Attendance 202.

The meeting adjourned 10:01 P.M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

January 24, 1952

The 708th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club on January 24, 1952, at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge presiding.

The minutes of the 707th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to active membership of the following: Mike Hamilton, Federal Power Commission, Hurley Wright Bldg., Wash., D.C.; Nicholas Shreders, Charles R. Lewis, Maurice J. Terman, Thomas J. Eckert, John P. D'Agostino,  Albert N. Bove, Paula A. Franchina, Mario A. Conti, all Military Geology Branch, U.S.G.S., Wash., D.C.

The Secretary announced also that 1 of the 18 members dropped at the Council meeting of January 9 for non-payment of dues had been reinstated.

President Bridge announced with deep regret the recent death of T. Wayland Vaughn.

Mr. Pecora introduced a former well-known active member of the society travelling under the guise of a distinguished visitor—Prof. Edward N. Goddard, now of the University of Michigan.

Mr. Lohman announced a meeting of the Pick and Hammer Club to be held January 31st in the Chantilly Room of the Hamilton Hotel, and explained that a 25 cent fee would be exacted from each attending member and held in escrow until a $100 minimum bar guarantee had been met.  [handwritten note: “The fee subsequently was returned! P.A.”]

The regular program followed:

R.B. Neuman; The Great Smokey thrust fault in the vicinity of the Great Smokey Mountains, Tennessee.  Discussed by Pecora, Thayer, Barnard, Cloud, Miller, Kupfer, Baker, Lasky, and Bridge.

J. B. Mertie; New discoveries of monazite in southeastern states.  Discussed by Burbank, Kupfer, Cloud, Monroe, H. Johnson, and an unidentified gentleman.

Maurice Deul; An outlander looks at problems of coal petrography.  Discussed by Milton and Stadnichenko.

Attendance 124.

The meeting adjourned at 9:52 P.M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

February 13, 1952

The 709th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, February 13, at 8:00 P.M., Vice-President Donald H. Dow presiding.

The minutes of the 708th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of: Jane Reger, Lennart A. Anderson, David F. Barnes, Lucy E. Birdsall , Robert W. Johnson, Jr., Raymond E. Miller, James W. Rutland, all U. S. Geological Survey.

Harry S. Ladd read a memorial to T. Wayland Vaughn.

The regular program followed:

T. E. Eakin; Reconnaissance of ground water problems in Iran.  Discussed by Hawkins, Rozanski, Sayre, and W. D. Johnston, Jr.

R. F. Black; Petrofabrics study of ground ice.  Discussed by Bradley, H. I. Smith, Robinson, Pecora, Denny, Peltier, Mertie, and Lohman.

R. J. Dunham; Lake Classen Area, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma.  Discussed by Thayer.

Attendance 128

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington
Secretary's report
February 27, 1952

The 710th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, February 27, 1952, at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge, presiding.

The minutes of the 709th meeting were read, amended on the basis of a picayunish objection from Second Vice President Dow, and approved.

P. E. Cloud gave an informal communication on the "Age of man in the western Pacific.” Discussed by Ingerson.

The regular program followed:

V. E. McKelvey, L. R. Page, R. P. Fischer, and A. P. Butler, Jr. (read by Butler); Uranium deposits in United States.  Discussed by Whitmore

L.B. Leopold; Downstream change of velocity in rivers Discussed by Peltier, Burbank, Cloud, Rubey, Sayre Coates, Mertie, Goldman.

Gilbert Corwin; Tectonic and petrologic position of the Palau Islands.  Discussed by Schmidt, and an unidentified gentlemen.

Attendance 159.

At 9:35 P.M. the meeting adjourned.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington,
Secretary's report
March 12, 1952

The 711th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, March 12, 1952 at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge, presiding.

The minutes of the 710th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to active membership of: Melvin E. Hanes, Geological Survey.

The regular program followed:

Z. S. Altshuler and Evelyn Cisney; The carbonate-apatite problem.  Discussed by McKelvey, Rubey, Williams, S. Hendricks.

H. E. LeGrande; Solution depressions in diorite, North Carolina.  Discussed by Rubey, Mertie, Davies, W.D. Johnston, Jr., S. Hendricks, Henbest, Peltier.

M. I. Goldman; Petrography of bauxite surrounding a core of kaolinitized nepheline syenite in Arkansas.  Discussed by McKelvey, W. D. Johnston, Jr.

Attendance 109, counting 3 late arrivals and ignoring 2 early departures.

The meeting adjourned 9:39 P.M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary’s report

March 26, 1952

The 712th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, March 26, 1952, at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge presiding.

The minutes of the 711th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to active membership of the following: Robert E. Thaden         , Robert A. Schnabel, Mary Clair Lingenfelter, Angus McPhillips, Francis A. McKeown, Shirley S. Houser, Frederick N. Houser, Robert D. Trace, all of Trace Elements, USGS, Wash., D.C.; Louis C. Peltier and Robert Forbes, Office of the Quartermaster General, U.S. Army; Thomas A. Gwynn - Federal Power Commission, Hurley Wright Bldg., Washington, D.C.

The President announced:

1) The 10th Annual Science Show being held at American University, March 26, 27, and 28.

2) Appeal of the District of Columbia Council of Engineering and Architectural Societies, and the Washington Academy of Science, for aid of individual members of the Society in promoting a program to encourage high school students to train for careers in engineering and science.

3) Availability of pamphlet, of the A.G..I. regarding geology as a career.

Mr. W. D. Johns ton, Jr. introduced, Mr. GEORGE ARONIS, Geologist, Ministry of. National Economy, Athens, Greece and Mr. ALBERTO ERICHSEN, Consulting Geologist, National Department for Production of Minerals, Brazil.

The regular program followed:

L. C. Craig; The Morrison formation of the Colorado Plateau region; Discussed by C .B. Read, McKnight, Reeside, Brown, Pecora, Grunig, Baker, Pierce.

F. W. Cater, Jr.; Structural development of Paradox Valley and Gypsum Valley anticlines.  Discussed by Baker2, Pecora2, Butler, Hack, Bauer.

L. S. Hilpert; Exploration for carnotite deposits on the Colorado Plateau.  Discussed by Butler, Thayer, Steiff,            Read, Pierce, Henbest, Travis.

Attendance 169

The meeting adjourned at 9:56 P.M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

April 9, 1952

The 713th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of  the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, April 9, 1952, at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge, presiding.

The minutes of the 712th  meeting were read and approved.­

The Secretary announced the election to active membership of the following:

Cynthia C. Gilbert, Allan B. Griggs, Hal T. Morris, Mary Jane Ebner, Ned E. Nelson, all U.S.G.S., Washington, D.C, Mineral Deposits Branch

Mr. W. D. Johnston, Jr. introduced: S. N. Sen Gupta and M. N. Rao, Geophysicists, Geological Survey of India, Calcutta; Jose Mas Vall and Ramou Perez Mena, Geologists, Geological Survey of Venezuela, Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons; Dr. Charles Pichamuthu, Director of the Mysore Geological Department, Bangalore, India.

The regular program followed; after a few minutes of pleasing uncertainty as to who would be the first speaker:

George Gryc; Recent developments in petroleum exploration program in northern Alaska.  Discussed by H. I. Smith, Miller.

J. T. Dutro, Jr.; Remarks on the Paleozoic stratigraphy of northern Alaska.  Discussed by Williams, Boucot.

T. G. Payne; A buried submarine canyon and. oil-bearing ridge of the Arctic Cretaceous continental shelf, Alaska. Discussed by Butler

Attendance 123

The meeting adjourned at 9:27 P.M.




Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

April 23, 1952

The 714th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, April 23, 1952, at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge presiding.

The minutes of the 713th meeting were read and approved.

The President announced a special meeting of the Society to be held Thursday, May 8, at 5:00 P.M. in the auditorium of the Interior Department, for the purpose of hearing Dr. M. King Hubbert’s paper, “Entrapment of petroleum under hydrodynamic conditions," without beer!

Mr. Wing introduced Dr. Hisashi Kuno, Prof. of Petrography, Tokyo University, now studying at Princeton University.

The regular program followed:

M. L. Brashears, Jr.; Ground water resources of Japan.  Discussed by Murphy, McGuinness, F. Johnson, Flint, Lohman, Buck, and Dow.

E. P. Henderson; Physical and chemical properties of our simplest iron meteorites.  Discussed by McKelvey, F. Johnson, and Thompson.

George Phair; Radioactive porphyries and their bearing on pitchblende deposition near Central City, Colorado.  Discussed by Marble and Lovering

Attendance 76

The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

May 8, 1952

A special meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Interior Department auditorium, Thursday, May 8, l952, at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge presiding.

W. E. Wrather introduced the speaker, M. King. Hubbert, Chief Consultant in general geology for the Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas, whose paper, "Entrapment of petroleum under hydrodynamic conditions," was the feature of the evening.

Mr. Hubbert's paper was discussed by Laskey, Sayre, Reeves, Finley, Mackay, Miller, and Wrather.

Attendance - 150

The meeting adjourned 10:05 P.M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington
Secretary's report
May 14, 1952

The 715th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club Wednesday evening, May 14, 1952, at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge presiding.

The minutes of the 714th meeting and the special meeting of May 8 were read and approved.

The regular program followed:

R. B. Colton, R. M. Lindvall, and C. A. Appledorn; Direction of glacial movement in northern Montana.  Discussed by Denny, Knechtel, H. Johnson2, Peltier, Pecora2


P. E. Cloud, Jr.; Borderlands of the western Pacific.  Discussed by McKelvey, Rubey, Flint, Henbest, Pecora.

S. H. Mamay; Paleobotanical significance of coal-ball studies.  Discussed by H. I. Smith, Knechtel, Bucot2, Henbest , Goldman2, Pecora, Woodring, Cloud, Buck, and Payne.

Attendance 101

The meeting adjourned 9:50 P.M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

October 8, 1952

The 716th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, for the first time at the new location on Massachusetts Ave., Wednesday evening, October 8, 1952, at 8:00 P. M., President Josiah Bridge, presiding.

The minutes of the 715th meeting were read and approved.

Mr. Currier announced the Second Annual Raspberry Festival of the Pick and Hammer Club to be held Sat., Nov. 8 in the Press Club.

The regular program followed:

Douglas Ball - Geologic problems of underground gas storage.  Discussed by A. A. Baker, Averitt, Sayer.

L. R. Stieff, T. W. Stern, and R. G. Milkey - a preliminary determination of the age of some Colorado Plateau uranium ores by the lead­-uranium method - presented by T. W. Stern.  Discussed by Markle, Stieff, Sohn.

Max D. Crittenden - Geology of Wasatch Mountains east of Salt Lake City, Utah.  Discussed by A. A. Baker, Thayer, D. S. Carder, unknown, Pierce, unknown.

Attendance 187

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

October 22, 1952

The 717th meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, October 22, 1952 at 8:00 P.M., President Josiah Bridge, presiding.­

The minutes of the 716th meeting were read and approved.

The regular program followed:

F. H. Stewart - The petrology of the Permain.evaporates of England.­  Discussed by Lindberg, Lang, Fleischer, Murata, Fahey, H. I. Smith, Altschuler.

Attendance 97

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.

Paul Averitt 



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

November 26, 1952

The 718th meeting of the Society was held in the Cosmos Club Assembly Hall on Wednesday evening, Nov. 26, 1952, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., President Bridge presiding.

The minutes of the 717th meeting were read and approved. Because cards announcing the Nominations Committee's selections for offices during the ensuing year were not ready for distribution, the list of nominations was presented to the club orally by President Bridge, and on the blackboard by the Secretary.  Nominations of the Committee are as follows:

President: Arthur A. Baker.

Vice President (2 to be elected): R. W. Brown, Margaret D, Foster, C. B. Read, T. P. Thayer.

Vice President (Washington Academy of Sciences): A. Nelson Sayre .

Secretary (one to be elected for 2-year term): Robert P. Bryson, Jewell J. Glass.

Treasurer: Marie L. Lindberg.

Members-at-Large of the Council (3 to be elected): Theodore Botinelly, Donald C. Duncan, Gilbert Espenshade, Frank Stead, George Switzer, Hatten Yoder.

The Nominations Committee membership is as follows: David A. Andrews, chair, Joseph. J. J. Fahey and Vincent E. McKelvey, mbr's.

The regular program followed:

E. H. Muller - Multiple glaciation in Alaska: a progress report. Discussed by Mertie, Woodring, Hartsock, Pecora.

Troy L. Péwé - Late Quaternary history in unglaciated central Alaska.  Discussed by Mertie, Sayre, Tourtelot.

Joseph J. Fahey - Mineral sequences in the Green River formation of southwestern Wyoming. Discussed by Bradley, Tourtelot, Dempsey, Pecora, Hartsock, Woodring.

Attendance: 86

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

Garald G. Parker



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary’s report

December 10, 1952

The 719th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, December 10, 1952, Vice President, Donald H. Dow, presiding.

The minutes of the 718th meeting were read and approved.  

The regular program, followed:

Presidential address, Josiah Bridge— The Extent and Significance of the Post Lower Ordovician Disconformity.

Attendance 112.

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.

Paul Averitt



Geological Society of Washington

60th Annual Meeting

December 10, 1952

The 60th. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club Wednesday, December 10, 1952, 9:10 P.M., President Josiah Bridge, presiding. About 85 members were present.

The minutes of the 59th. annual meeting were read and approved.

The annual report of the Secretaries for the year 1952 was read and approved.

The annual report of the Treasurer was presented by the Treasurer, Marie L. Lindburg. The report of the Auditing Committee, consisting of T. D. Murphy (Chairman), Earl Ingerson, and A. R. Palmer was presented by Mr. Murphy.  Mr. Murphy stated that he was shocked at the many sordid evidences of unscrupulous manipulation of the records by the fiscal officers, which he was able to detect despite the unaccountable fact that the records were correct.  He gave the reluctant approval of the auditing committee to the Treasurer's report.

The report of the Awards Committee, consisting of F. Shirer (Chairman), A. A. Baker, and K. E. Lohman, was presented by Mr. Shirer, who announced that the $25.00 prize for the best paper of the year had been won by Mr. Robert J. Dunham for his paper on the Lake Classen area, Arbuckle Mts., Oklahoma, presented February 13, 1952.

Mr. Bridge announced the receipt of a small silver loving cup from an anonymous donor to be presented annually for the best informal communication, or best discussion presented during the year.

Mr. Ladd announced that he had seen the coffee pot, but declined to say where it was, and was declared out-of-order.

The Society then proceeded with the election of officers for the year 1953. President Bridge appointed Esther Aberdeen, Bob Davis and D. M. Kinney as tellers.

The candidates selected by the Committee on Nominations were presented and the election of the President was called to order. It was moved by Mr. Woodring, and seconded by Mr. Ladd, that the nominations be closed.  Motion carried.  It was further moved by Mr. Woodring and seconded by Mr. Van Valkenberg that the Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Arthur A. Baker. Motion carried with one-dissenting vote, which was declared out-of-order by President Bridge.

The election of the Vice-Presidents was called to order. President Bridge explained that through oversight only one set of candidates had been presented for the two offices of First and Second Vice-Presidents, and that it was the decision of the council that the candidate receiving the largest number of votes would be declared First Vice-President, and the candidate with the second largest number of votes would be declared Second Vice-President. R. W. Brown was elected First Vice-President, and T. P. Thayer was elected Second Vice-President.

The election of a candidate to fill a 2-year term as secretary was called to order.  No nominations were received from the floor. Mr. R. P. Bryson was elected.

The election of the Treasurer was called to order. It was moved and seconded that nominations be closed. Motion carried. Mrs. Marie L. Lindberg was elected.

The election of Members at Large of the Council was called to order. No nominations were received from the floor. Theodore Botinelly, Donald C. Duncan, and Hatten Yoder were elected.  Mr. Cannon requested a full account of the distribu­tion of votes for all nominees, and was presented with all the ballots thoroughly shuffled.

It was moved that nominations for Vice-President of the Washington Academy of Science, representing the Geological Society of Washington, be closed and that the Secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for A. Nelson Sayre.  Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M.

Paul Averitt
