Geological Society of
Secretary's report
January 14, 1953
The 720th. meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly
Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, January 14, 1953, President Arthur
A. Baker, presiding.
The minutes of the 719th. meeting were read and approved.
The secretary announced the election to active membership of
the following: Raymond C. Duglass, U.S. Geol. Survey, Paleontology &
Stratigraphy; Wm. U. Inman, Mineralogist; Grace Nolan, U. S. Geol. Survey,
Fuels Branch; Helen Beikman, U. S. Geol. Survey, Fuels Branch.
The secretary announced also that 15 persons had been dropped
for non-payment of dues.
The secretary read a proposed new amendment to the by-laws as
Proposed amendment to By-laws.
The second paragraph of By-law N. 1, regarding membership in
the Geological Society of Washington reads:
"All members shall be elected by the Council. Nominations
for membership shall be signed by three members of the Society and submitted to
the Secretary of the Council. New
members shall be notified of their election by the Secretary of the Council,
and their names shall be announced to the Society at the current regular
It is hereby proposed to amend this by-law by the addition of
the following statement at the end of the preceding paragraph:
New members shall signify their acceptance of membership in
the society by paying their dues within three months after being billed for
Respectfully submitted,
Joseph J. Fahey, Marie L. Lindberg, AlvinVan Valkenberg, Jr.
Mr. John B. Reeside read a memorial to Miss Marion Francis
The regular program followed:
D. M. Hopkins – Geological significance of the Iyatayet
archeological site,
H. G. Ferguson - Metal deposits of
C. C. Bates - A rational, quantitative theory of delta
formation. Discussed by Rubey,
Attendance 181.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Paul Averitt
Geological Society of
Secretary's report
January 23, 1953
The 721st. meeting of the Society was held in.the Assembly
Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, January 23, 1953, President Arthur
N. Baker, presiding.
The minutes of the 720th. meeting were read and approved.
Moved, seconded and passes that new members signify their
acceptance of membership in the Society by paying their dues within three
months after being billed for same.
The following announcements were made:
1. The Cosmos Club Parking Lots are private property
and are for the sole use of Cosmos Club members and persons holding
guest cards.
2. Entrance to the Assembly Hall will be via the doors at the
rear of the hall reached through the adjoining parking lot. The
3. The Council has appropriated a sum of $25.00 to be used as
an award for the best formal paper presented during the year.
4. The election to active membership of the following was
announced: John Dante, Ronald R. Wiesnet, Richard L. Hay, Collin P. Davis,
Edward J. Young, Harry Klemic, Edward G. Williams.
The regular program followed:
C. V. Theis - Geological Survey work on AEC water problems.
Discussed by
Michael Fleischer, K. J. Murata, J. D. Flescher and P. F.
Narten, Fleischer presenting - Geochemical association of columbium with
titanium and its economic implications.
Discussed by McKelvey, Marble, Thayer.
H. E. Tatel - The earth's crust - some recent seismic results.
Discussed by Carder, Coates, Perkins, Hertz.
Attendance: 180
The meeting adjourned 9:35 P.M.
Garal G. Parker
Acting Secretary
Geological Society of
Secretary's report
February 11, 1953,
The 722d meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of
the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, February 11, 1953, at 8:00 P.M.,
Vice-president Roland W. Brown, presiding.
The election to active membership of the following was
announced: Donald M. Davidson, H. Kirk Stephenson, John M. Birdsall, George D.
DeBuchannanne, Ellis D. Gordon, Charles A. Anderson, Donald G. Wyant.
J. T. Hack announced a meeting of the Pick and Hammer Club
February 19.
The regular program followed:
D. K. Mackay—Smackover Oil Field,
W. W. Rubey—Possible tectonic effects of fractional melting
and crustal spreading. Discussed by
F. R. Fosberg—Origin of phosphate on central Pacific
atolls. Discussed by Cloud, Ladd,
Boucot, and Altschuler.
Attendance: 145
The meeting adjourned at 9:57 P.M.
Robert P. Bryson
Geological Society of
Secretary's report
February 25, 1953
The 723d meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, February 225, 1953, at 8:00 ;P. M.,
President Arthur A. Baker, presiding.
The minutes off the 722d meeting were read and approved.
The election to active membership of the following was
announced: Earl E. Brabb, B. F. Buie, D. M. Hopkins, Walden P. Pratt, Virginia
E. Remy, Arvid A. Stromquist, Robert E. Wallace, Robert W. Webb.
Vice president Roland W. Brown presented an informal
communication concerning "The 60th anniversary of the Society";
discussed by Woodring, Pecora, and Rubey.
It was moved, seconded and directed by the Society that a
token of our respect, such as flowers, be sent to Dr. T. W. Stanton, the last
surviving Founding member. (Flowers were sent, accompanied by a note from the
It was noted that H. D. Miser was present in the Assembly Hall
for the rumored purpose of "casing the joint" in preparation for the
paper he is to present at the April 22 meeting.
The regular program followed:
T. W. Robinson—Phreatophytes and their relation to ground
water in arid regions: discussed by Spetzman, Goldman, Parker, Nichols,
W. P. Woodring—
R. L. Hay—Volcanic facies in the Absaroka Range,
Attendance: 120
The meeting adjourned at 9:44 P.M.
Robert P. Bryson
Geological Society of
Secretary's report
March 11, 1953
The 724th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, March 11, 1953 at 8:00 P.M., President
Arthur A. Baker, presiding.
The minutes of the 723rd meeting were read and approved.
A letter of appreciation for flowers sent to Dr. T. W. Stanton
was read.
J. B. Mertie, Jr., presented an informal communication
concerning heavy minerals of the
The regular program followed:
J. W. Graham– "Magnetic textures"– new techniques for their use by structural
geologists: discussed by Cloos, Berdan, Balsley, and Cloud.
R. M. Garrels– Transportation of lead in vein-forming
solution: discussed by Jack Rabbitt, Murata, and H. I. Smith.
P. E. Cloud—Some feature of the geology of
Attendance: 200.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
Robert P. Bryson
Geological Society of
Secretary's report
March 25, 1953
The 725th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, March 25, 1953, at 8:02 P. M., President
Arthur A. Baker presiding.
The minutes of the 724th meeting were read and approved.
The regular program followed:
V. E. McKelvey—Permian. phosphorites of western
M. G. Wolman—"Equilibrium and grade in a natural river
channel." Discussed by Coats and Goldman.
I. A. Breger—“Radioactivity and the origin of petroleum."
Discussed by Sanders, Hartsock,
McKelvey, Butler, and Lohman.
Attendance: 135 hardy souls who braved the stormy night.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Robert P. Bryson
Geological Society of Washington
Secretary's report
April 8, 1953
The 726th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, April 8, 1953, at 8:00 P.M., President
Arthur A. Baker, presiding.
The minutes of the 725th meeting were read and approved.
The election to active membership of the following was
announced: J. Edward Brantly, David M. Larrabee.
J. R. Balsley announced coming attractions of the Pick and
Hammer Club:
April 16:- an evening of geology; at which time will be
discussed the plight of a clam clan in Maine.
May 2:- an evening of introspection; the annual Pick &
Hammer Show.
The regular program followed:
D. M. Hopkins—"Structure and history of a recent basalt
flow in Alaska." Discussed by Butler.
R. E. Wallace—"Tectonic environment of the Coeur d'Alene
mining district, Idaho-Montana." Discussed by Marble, Pecora, McKelvey,
and Waters.
T. Stadnichenko, P. Zubovic, H. Rose, and E.
Huffschmitt—"Minor elements accumulation in coal ash and its economic
implications." Discussed by Marble, Ralph Miller, Fieldner (Bureau of
Mines), H. I. Smith, Fahey, and Marble again (to quote the gentleman, "for
another 2¢ worth").
Attendance: 160
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. M.
Robert P. Bryson
Geological Society of Washington
Secretary’s report
April 22, 1953
The 727th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, April 22, 1953, at 8:05 P. M., President
Arthur A. Baker, presiding.
The minutes of the 726th meeting were read and approved.
The secretary announced the election to active membership of
the following: Peter Zubovic, U. S. G. S.; Dr. C. C. Nikiforoff, Dept. of
Informal communications:
Esper S. Larsen, Jr."—A method of determining the age of
igneous rocks"
B. Frank Buie—"A mountain of salt in Iran"
Lloyd C. Henbest—"A mastodon goes to Pea Ridge"
The regular program followed:
Hugh D. Miser—"The New geologic map of Oklahoma".
(Fifty man-years effort by 82 geologists in the past 5 years has resulted in a
new geologic map of the State, of which about 80 percent is based on new data
that in a significantly large proportion, - half the State - came from the
files of oil companies and independent geologists, and much of the remainder
from manuscript maps of the Okla. Geol. Surv., graduate students of the Univ.
of Okla. and other institutions.)
Attendance: 165
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P. M.
Robert P. Bryson
Geological Society of Washington
Secretary's report
October 28, 1953
The 728th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, October 28, 1953, at 8:00 P. M.,
President Arthur A. Baker, presiding.
The minutes of the 727th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of
the following: Vera M. Hosley and Paul P. Orkild, Photogeology Unit, Alaska
Branch; Richard S. Boardman, U.S.G.S.; Hsin Yuan Su, International Press
Service; Gilbert Corwin, U.S.G.S.; Donald E. Walcott, 423 Valley Ave., SW ,
Wash., D. C.
The President announced that the next meeting, November 25,
would be held jointly with the Paleontological Society of Washington, with Dr.
Otto H. Schindewolf, Prof. of Geology and Paleontology and Head of the Dept.,
University of Tübingen, Germany as guest speaker.
A memorial to Joe Harriss Kerr was read by Joe Fahey for Earl
The regular program followed:
H. A. Tourtelot—"Geologic reconnaissance in
Bolivia". Discussed by Del Flint,
Don Dow, Chas. Warren, and Wendell Woodring.
M. M. Knechtel—"Structure of the Little Rocky Mountains,
Montana". Discussed by Quentin Singewald.
D. A. Brobst, J. L. Kulp, and Arie Poldervaart—"Mafic
intrusions as a clue to the geologic history of the Spruce Pine district, North
Carolina". (Presented by Brobst).
Discussed by Marble, Thayer, Del Flint, Boucot, Pecora, and Tischler.
Attendance: 185
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
Robert P. Bryson
Geological Society of Washington
Secretary's report
November 25, 1953
The 729th meeting of the Society was held jointly with the
Paleontological Society of Washington in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club,
Wednesday evening, November 25, 1953, at 8:05 P.M., President Arthur A. Baker,
The minutes of the 728th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of
the following:
Donald C. Alvord Robert DeMar Harley
Donald A. Brobst Joyce Gilbert Mona
Ruth E. Butler William Keating Hugh
Wallace R. Griffitts Robert M. LaSala Richard Marquiss
Donald F. Kellum Benton M. Wilmoth, Jr. Mary Mrose
Robert Lawthers Robert W. Davis Martin
Kathleen McQueen James L. Hunt Roy A. Bailey
Nancy C. Pearre Harvey S. Bennett Dorothea
Charles S. Robinson William R. Hemphill Regina Wack
Donald H. Whitebread James N. Platt. Irving May
Charles F. Withington Ann C. Coe
of the Geological Survey, and John H. Dolloff, Fort Belvoir,
Virginia; Philip H. Abelson, Director, Geophysical Laboratory.
The regular program followed:
Dr. Otto H. Schindewolf, Professor of Geology and Paleontology
and Head of the Department, University of Tubingen, Germany—"The time
factor in Geology and paleontology."
Discussed by Sohn, Warren, Henbest, Nichol, and Boucot
Attendance: 95
The meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.
Robert P. Bryson
Secretary’s Report
December 9, 1953
The 730th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, December 9, 1953, Vice President Thomas
P. Thayer, presiding.
The minutes of the 729th meeting were read and approved
The regular program followed:
Presidential address: Arthur A. Baker, The geologic structure
of the Wasatch Range near Provo, Utah.
Attendance 170
The meeting adjourned 8:45 P.M.
Paul Averitt
61st Annual Meeting
December 9, 1953
The 61st Annual meeting of the Geological, Society of
Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club Wednesday, December
9, 1953, 9:05 P.M., President Arthur A. Baker presiding. About 110 members were present.
The minutes of the 60th Annual Meeting were read and approved.
The annual report of the Secretaries for the year 1953 was
read and approved.
The annual report of the Treasurer was presented by the
Treasurer, Marie L. Lindberg. The report of the Auditing Committee, consisting:
of Constantine N Bozion, George M. Flint, Jr., and Earl Ingerson was presented
by Mr. Bozion. Mr. Bozion stated that
the Treasurer’s records were in good order and that all future interest coupons
were on the bonds. He also stated that
for the first time in many years, the Treasurer had received no bad
checks. An unidentified member of the
audience asked why Mr. Ingerson was on the Auditing Committee year after year,
and was told that this was necessary because Mr. Ingerson held the key to the
safe deposit box. It was then moved and
seconded that a committee be appointed to investigate the Auditing
Committee. Motion failed. The Auditing Committee's report was received
with a few dissenting votes and the Treasurer’s report was approved.
The report of the Awards Committee, consisting of Edwin T.
McKnight, Chairman, Earl Ingerson and Carle H. Dane, was presented by Mr.
McKnight, who announced that the $25.00 prize for the best paper for the year
had been won by Mr. Michael Fleischer for his presentation of a paper by
Fleischer, Murata, Flescher, and Narten, titled, "Geochemical association
of columbium with titanium and its economic implications" on the program
of January 28, 1953. Runners up were J.
W. Graham, Wendell P. Woodring, and R. E. Wallace.
The report of the Sleeping Bear cup Award Committee,
consisting of Frank Whitmore, Chairman, Wilbur Burbank, and George V. Cohee,
was presented by Mr. Whitmore. Mr.
Whitmore read the letter, received December 5, 1952, from the anonymous donor
specifying that the cup was to be awarded annually for the best informal
communication or best discussion of a formal paper presented during the
year. He stated that from a large field
of brilliant and garrulous candidates the committee had selected Mr. Wendell P.
Woodring for his intrepid discussion (as a paleontologist) of the strictly
economic paper, “Metal deposits of Nevada" presented by Mr. H. G. Ferguson
at the meeting of January 14, 1953.
The Society then proceeded with the election of officers for
the year, 1954. Tellers were D. A.
Andrews, Thomas E. Eakin, Ernest Rich, Helmuth Wedow, Lorin Stieff, Jean M.
Berdan, and Charles S. Robinson. No
nominations were received from the floor. The following officers were elected:
President – E. T. McKnight
Vice Presidents–J. F. Schairer, First Vice President, Charles
B. Hunt, Second Vice President.
Secretary–(two year term) Alvin Van Valkenburg
Treasurer–Theodore Woodward
Members at large of Council–(Two year term) Wm. A. Fischer,
Luna Leopold, and Robert E. Wallace.
Vice President, Washington Academy of Sciences, Arthur A.
The meeting adjourned, 9:55 P.M.
Paul Averitt