Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

January 13, 1954

The 731st meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, 5 January 13, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., President Edwin T. K McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 730th meeting were read and approved.

The secretary announced the election to active membership of the following: Ellen L. Markward; Jules A. MacKaller; David D. Smith.

The following announcement was made:

The Council has voted for the coming year that a citation will be issued to the two best papers for excellence in presentation.

A memorial to Josiah Bridge was read by Hugh D. Miser. The regular program followed:

H. E. Suess – "Geochemical factors in radiocarbon dating."  Discussed "religiously" by Hunt, Ingerson, Marble, Gilluly, and Fleischer

C. B. Hunt – "Desert varnish." Discussed by Ingerson, Cloud, Milton, Fleischer, Stadnichenko, and  Murata

Franco Rasetti – "Early Paleozoic rocks of the St. Lawrence Valley." Discussed by Ingerson, Boucout, Palmer and Thayer.

Attendance: 135

The meeting adjourned 10:05.

A. Van Valkenburg



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

January 27, 1954

The 732nd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, January 27, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 731st meeting were read and approved after correcting the name of Stadnichenko as a discusser.

A memorial to T. Stanton was read by John B. Reeside, Jr.

The regular program followed:

J. W. Harshbarger – "Ground water in the Navajo Country." Discussed by Lasky, Hunt, McKnight, Sayre, Grunig

C. H. Behre – "Volcanoes of Isabela Island, Galapagos Archipelago." Discussed by Coates, Johnson, H.I. Smith, and Milton.

M. R. Klepper – "Cretaceous - Tertiary geologic history of the Elkhorn Mountains, Montana."  Discussed by fellow Yaleman Cloud and Behre

Attendance: 170

The meeting adjourned 10:05.

A. Van Valkenburg




Secretary's Report

February 10, 1954

The 733rd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, February 10, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 732nd meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced that K. J. Murata was elected by the council to complete the term of office of Theodore Bottinelly, member-at-large of, the council, who has moved to Grand Junction, Colorado.

President McKnight announced that John B. Northrup died on December 31, 1953.

A memorial to Fredrick Eugene Wright was road by Frank Schairer.

The election to active membership of the following was announced: F. R. Boyd, Jr, Geo.Phys. Lab.; Arthur T. Fernald, John S. Pomeroy, Julius Schlocker, U.S. Geol.Survey.

The regular program followed:

J.C. Reed, Jr. – "The Catoctin formation in the Shenandoah National Park, Virginia.”  Discussed amygdaloidally by Pecora and explained from the bubble point of view by Reed. Also discussed by Miller, Nelson and Kinkel.

J. B. Mertie, Jr. – "Classification, delineation and measurement of nonparallel folds" Discussed by McKnight.

F. V. Stead, R. M. Moxham, and F. J. Davis -- "Progress in airborne radioactivity surveying."  Discussed by Gilluly, Pecora, Tourtelot, Mertie, Graham, Berman, Murata, and Andrews

Attendance: 185

The Meeting adjourned at 9:40.

A. Van Valkenburg



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's Report

February 24, 1954

The 734th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, February 24, 1954, at 8:00 P.M., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 733rd meeting were read and approved after a correction was made by Earl Ingerson of the address of Theodore Bottinelly from Denver to Grand Junction, Colorado.

The Secretary read to the Society the council's action requesting affiliation with the American Geologic, Institute as follows:.

The Geological Society of Washington received a letter in late January from C. R. Longwell, President of the American Geologic institute, inviting our Society to apply for affiliation with the Institute. As an "affiliate", the Society would be under no financial obligation to AGI, would have no authoritative voice in its deliberations and decisions (as do "members"), but would be giving its name in support of the Institute's objectives and activities.

'The purposes of the Institute as stated in its constitution are: To advance the interests of the geological professions; to promote cooperation of societies and other organizations active in the fields of the earth sciences; to provide assistance to the geological profession in matters dependent upon united action; and to foster the application of the earth sciences to human welfare.

After due deliberation, the Council has decided that the objectives and activities of the Institute are deserving of the moral support of our Society, and the Council has voted to request affiliation with the Institute.

The Secretary announced the election to active membership of Charles J. Spengler, Geochemistry and Petrology Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey.

The regular program followed:

A. R. Kinkel – "Structural and stratigraphic control of ore deposition in the Shasta copper-zinc district, California."  Discussed by Ferguson and Pecora.

D. M. Hopkins and W. S. Benninghoff – "Evidence of a very warm Pleistocene interglacial interval on Seward Peninsula, Alaska."  ­

S. H. Mamay and E. L. Yochelson – "Unusual American coal balls."  Discussed by Bradley, McKnight, Pecora, Wallace, Milton, Lohman and Davis.

Attendance: 125

The meeting adjourned 9:15

A. Van Valkenburg



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's Report

March 10, 1954

The 735th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, March 10, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., Vice President Charles Hunt presiding in the absence of president McKnight and First Vice President Schairer.

The minutes of the 734th meeting were read and approved.

The election to active membership of the following was announced: Victor N. Poe, Charles A. Sandberg, Fuels Branch, USGS.

The regular program followed:

R. L. Meyrowitz – "High index liquids" Discussed by Lohman, Coates, and Van Valkenburg.

F. E. Senftle – "Ore beneficiation by neutron activation."  Discussed by Fleischer,. H.I.Smith, Coates and Pecora.

C.C. Bates – "Present methods of observing ice in the sea.”  Discussed by Lt. David Smith, Neuman, Whitmore, Graham, Pecora, Peterson and Mooney.

Attendance: 95

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

A. Van Valkenburg



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary’s report

March 24, 1954

The 736th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, March 24, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 735th meeting were read and approved.

Charles Milton gave an informal communication on “Deer Bones with lead, copper, and silver mineralization.”

The election of active membership of Mortimer H. Staatz, U.S. Geological Survey, was announced.

The regular program followed:

A. J. Boucot, R.S.Harner, Gordon MacDonald and Charles Milton – "Age of the Bernardston formation, Massachusetts.”  Discussed by Marble, Currier, Flint, and


H. T. Evans— "Crystal chemical studies of vanadium compounds and minerals"

Discussed by Van Valkenburg, Lovering, and Guild.

L.R. Stieff and T. W. Stern – "The isotopic composition of lead from Colorado Plateau

Minerals."  Discussed by Marble, Wallace, Mertie, Lovering and Fleischer.

Attendance: 180

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m

A. Van Valkenburg



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's Report

April 28, 1954

The 737th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, April 14, 1954, at 8:00 P.M., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 736th meeting were read and approved.

The election to active membership of the following was announced: Robert J. Dingman, Ground Water, U.S. Geological Survey Baltimore, Maryland; William G. Melton            P & S Branch, U.S. Geological Survey.

The secretary announced the "U. S. Geological Survey Night" for Wednesday, April 21, 1954, sponsored by the Washington Society of Engineers in cooperation with the D. C.

Council of Engineering and Architectural Societies.

Michael Fleischer gave an informal communication on "The Progress of a Geologic Glossary", sponsored by A.G.I.  Discussed by Marble.

The regular program followed:

W. E. Davies – "Geology of the Thule Area, North­western Greenland."  Discussed by Denny, Guild, Marble, and Boucot.

Krinsley –"Surficial Geology of the Thule Area" Discussed by McKnight, Anderson, Denny, Pecora, Marble, and Hunt.

Harley Barnes – "Age and stratigraphic relations of the Ignacio quartzite in southwestern Colorado."  Discussed by Creasey.

Attendance: 108

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.

A. Van Valkenburg



Secretary's Report

April 28, 1954

The 738th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, April 28, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 737th meeting were read and approved.

The election to active membership of Elaine McNallan, USGS, was announced.

President McKnight read a letter received from the secretary of A.G.I., stating that GSW was elected an affiliate of A.G.I.

W.D. Johnston, Jr., gave an informal communication on the manganese deposits of Amapa, Brazil.

T.P. Thayer gave a second informal communication on the problems of unusual breccias interbedded with sedimentary rocks of the Basin Range.

A third communication was given by Palmer on fossil insects in nodules of Miocene deposits.

The regular program followed:

Marjorie Hooker – "The Great Glen of Scotland" Discussed by Wallace, McKnight, Gilluly.

W. E. Benson – "Paleocene-Eocene boundary in North Dakota."  Discussed by Hunt, Pecora and Tourtelot.

J. R. Balsley – "Reverse magnetization of Adirondack rocks.”  Discussed by Wallace.. Milton, Berman and Gilluly

For the record, the second “l” has been put back in the spelling of Balsley, which was misspelled on the program.

Attendance: 130

The meeting adjourned at 10:05.

A. Van Valkenburg




Secretary's Report

May 12, 1954

The 739th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hail of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, May 12, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 738th meeting were read and approved.

President McKnight announced an omission in Roland Brown's paper on the history of G.S.W.  G. P. Murdie was president of the Society in 1939 and the subject of his presidential address was "Placer Gold in Alaska".

President McKnight also announced a committee for organizing a roster of speakers on various geologic subjects who will be available for speaking engagements to civic organizations. The committee consists of Averitt, Whitmore, Hunt and Cameron, and Chairman Sherman Neuschel.

Charles Hunt gave an informal communication on the history of A.G.I. and its objectives.

The regular program followed:

R. H. Morris – "Heavy mineral studies in northern Alaska."  Discussed by Guild, Milton and Pecora.

Isidore Zietz and R. G. Henderson – "Interpretation of aeromagnetic maps by means of fields derived from model experiments."  Discussed by McGuinness, Balsley, Robinson, Berman, Dempsey, Milton and Graham.

H. R. Gault – "Geochemistry of some lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks in Pennsylvania."  Discussed by Mike Fleischer.

Attendance: 97

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

A. Van Valkenburg




Secretary's Report

October 27, 1954

The 740th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, October 27, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 739th meeting were read and approved.

President McKnight called attention to membership qualifications for G.S.W.

The election to active membership of John G. Parker and Sarkes G. Ampagoomian, U.S. Bureau of Mines, was announced.

The regular program followed:

D. S. Carderi— "Storm microseisms" Discussed by Guiles and Forbes.

R. G. Henderson anf Isidore Zietz – "Interpreta­tion of aeromagnetic anomalies" Discussed by McKnight and Hack.

A motion picture film entitled "In the Beginning" produced by the Socony Vacuum Oil Company.  No discussion.

Attendance: 80

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

A. Van Valkenburg



Geological Society of Washington

Secretary's report

November 10, 1954

The 741st meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, November 10, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 740th meeting were read and approved.

The election to active membership of the following was announced: Margaret Cooper and George N. Pipiringos,  TEPCO, Geologic Div. U.S. Geol. Surv.; Paul T. Voegeli and Quentin F. Paulson, detailed to Mil. Geol. Br. from Ground Water Br., U. S. Geol. Surv.; 

William Back, Ground Water Br., U. S. Geol. Surv.

Frank Whitmore gave an informal communication describing the educational committee's work to date and passed out questionnaire forms for those interested in participating in speaking engagements to Boy Scout and other organizations.

The regular program followed:

George Switzer and A. J. Boucot—"The mineral composition of some microfossils."  Discussed by Ingerson, Guild, and Coats.

Michael Fleischer – "Estimates of the abundances of some of the chemical elements and a consideration of their reliability."  Discussed by Guild, Chayes, and Marble

H. R. Cornwall and W. S. White – "Native copper ore deposits."  A spirited discussion followed as to whether the copper ore was brought up from the devil's own cauldron or whether the ore peacefully percolated down from above. The discussers were Fleischer, Murdie, Coats, Hunt, Murata, Guild and Heyl.

Attendance: 105

The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

A. Van Valkenburg





Secretary's Report

December 8, 1954

The 742nd meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, December 8, 1954, at 8:00 p.m., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding.

The minutes of the 741st meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to active membership of the following:

Dr. Hans P. Eugster                      Dr. W. R. Rowland

Dr. Gunnar Kullerud                      Dr. James R. Smith

Dr. William S. MacKenzie             Dr. George C. Tilton

of the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institute of Washington;

Dr. William E. B. Benson, Executive Secretary, Div. of Earth Sciences, National Research Council;

and the following of the U. S. Geological Survey:

Mrs. Carmen Johnson       Gerald Myer

Edith Becker                     Seymore O. Schlanger

J. Bartlett Bowles              Druid Wilson

Agnes B. Grametbaur        J. A. Van Lieu

Norman J. Stewart            Lola N. Hudson

Everett W. Withers           Robert B. Neuman

Donald H. Wolfe               Thor Killsgarrd

Hobart B. Harris

Carl L. Huffaker                            Topographic Div.

Robert R. Bennett                         Ground Water Branch, Water Res. Div.

Glen C. Prescott                          

Ruth R. Dunaven

Elisabeth S. Loud                          Library

Georgianna H. Conant

Robert J. Hachman

Charles H. Marshall

Charles L. Pillmore                        Alaskan Geology Branch, Geol. Div.

Florence M. Robinson                  

Florence P. Rucker

Louis C. Conant

William R. Keefer                         Fuels Branch Geol. Div.

Joseph L. Weitz      

Mary Anastas.

George Ashby         

Robert G. Coleman

Charles R. Naeser                         Geochem.& Petrol. Branch, Geol. Div

Alfred M. Pomier    

 Jack J. Rowe

Katherine E. Valentine

Randolph W. Bromery

Roland G. Henderson                    Geophysics Branch, Geol. Div.

George B. Mangan

Isidore Zietz

Livingston Chase

Harren E. Grabau

Murray Levish                               Mil. Geol. Branch, Geol. Div.

Averill B. Shepps

V. Chester Shepps

E. Osmun Barr

Norman F. Sohl                            Paleo. & Stratigr. Branch Geol. Div.

John P. Alters

James A. Calkins

Henry R. Cornwall

Benjamin Gildersleeve                   Mineral Deposits Branch, Geol. Div.

John T. Hosterman

Robert G. Luedke

Dallas L. Peck

Hilliam P. Schulhof

Chester T. Wrucke, Jr.

Rosina L. Yoder

Jerry C. Olson                              Min. Dep. Branch, Geol. Div.

The regular program followed:

Presidential address: Edwin T. McKnight – "Geologic environment of ore deposition in the Tri-State region"

Attendance: 150

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

A. Van Valkenburg




62nd Annual Meeting

December 8, 1954

The 62nd Annual meeting of the Geological Society of Washington was held in the Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday, December 8, 1954, 9:00 p m., President Edwin T. McKnight presiding. About 150 members were present.

The minutes of the 61st annual meeting were read and approved after Mr. Fleischer corrected the secretary’s error of reading Mr. Fleischer's name as both author and co-author of the prize-winning paper.

The Awards Committee appointed to judge the best formal papers for the year 1954 consisted of Chairman P. H. Guild, Ralph Miller and Michael Fleischer. As no prize money was made available to award winners, the committee passed the hat and were generously rewarded by contributions from some sixty persons. The first prize of $20 was awarded to S. H. Mamay for the paper written with E. L. Yochelson entitled "Unusual

American Coal Balls" presented to the Society on February 24, 1954.  A second prize of $10.00 was awarded to J. C. Reed, Jr. for his paper, "The Catoctin formation in the Shenandoah National Park, Virginia" pre­sented to the Society on February 10, 1954.

Mr. Woodring made a motion that the Council be instructed to appropriate monies for future awards for the best papers designated by the Awards Committee. The motion was seconded and passed by the Society.

The Sleeping Bear Cup annually awarded for the best informal com­munication or best discussion of a paper presented during the year was awarded by Bob Garrels to Charlie Hunt for his discussions of White and Cornwall's paper entitled "The origin of the copper deposits of Northern Michigan". In the words of Garrels—“The Cup Committee attended meetings for many months without being moved to tears or cheers by the discussions of papers. The questions were prosaic and the replies uninspiring. However, at the ultimate session the floor was taken over by a man with the ability to propound new principles and to shatter preconceived notions with a few simple words. Charlie brought down the house, flabbergasted the beakers and condensed a cloud over the Keweenaw Peninsula from which copper may rain for years to come. For doing so much with but a few words, we judge him to be without peer this year."

The annual report of the treasurer was presented by Ted Woodward and the Society's finances appeared to be in good standing in spite of one bad check.  In the absence of the Auditing Committee's Chairman Earl Ingerson, Mr. Woodward read the report of the Committee.  Mr. Dow wanted to know why the Secretary reported the occurrence of 12 Society meetings whereas the treasurer had reported only 11 meetings. The treasurer pointed out that he closed his books one meeting ahead of time so that his report would be ready for the Annual meeting. The treasurer's report was accepted without further discussion.

Under the heading of new business, Paul Averitt made a motion that the Committee on Entertainment be censured for failing to serve beer during the recess between the regular and annual meetings. No action taken.

The Society then proceeded with the election of officers for the year 1955.  No nominations were received from the floor. The following officers were elected:

President – Kenneth Lohman

Vice Presidents – James R. Balsley, first vice-president, Harry Ladd, second vice- president

Secretary— (two year term) Marjorie Hooker

Treasurer— Theodore Woodward

Members at large of Council – (two year term) Rachel M. Barker, Walter S. White, Edward J. Dwornik

Vice President, Washington Academy of Sciences – Edwin T. McKnight

 The meeting adjourned 10:00 p.m.

A. Van Valkenburg
