Secretary's Report
January 12, 1955
The 743d meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, January 12, 1955, at 8:00 P.M. President
Kenneth E. Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 742d meeting were read and approved. The
regular program followed:
S. Zerfoss - Single crystal growth
versus phase equilibria. Discussed
by Sayer, Balsley, Van Valkenburg, and Grunig.
G. F. Brown and R. O. Jackson (presented by Mr. Jackson) -
Notes on the geology of a portion of the Red Sea Rift,
C. B. Hunt - C14 dates in the light of stratigraphy and
weathering processes. Discussed by Mamay,
Lohman, Schopf, Breger, Denny, Pecora, Sohn, Andrews, Gilluly, Marble, Boucot, Rubin, Grunig, and
The President announced that the Treasurer would be on hand
after the meeting and would be more than willing to accept dues payments.
Attendance: 224
The meeting adjourned at 10.02 P.M.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
January 26, 1955
The 744th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, January 26, 1955, at 8.00 P.M.,
President Kenneth E. Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 743d meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of
the following:
Lou C. Pakiser Charles F. Lough
Huntley H. Ingalls William J. Hinz
Ellis Yochelson USGS Lionel
Stein CE,
Harry F. Phillips Eugene Langston
P. Jokerst
Bennett T. Gale NFS Allen DeWitt
and the change of status of Douglas M.
An informal communication on "Precambrian coal near
The regular program followed:
A. F. Buddington, J. J. Fahey, and
Angelina Vlisidis (presented by A. F. Buddington) --
Titaniferous magnetite as a
geologic thermometer. Discussed by Waters,
J. B. Mertie, Jr. -- Geologic
evaluation of the intrinsic ages of granitic rocks. Discussed
by Jaffe, Fleischer, Larsen, Abelson, Wetherill, Phair, Pecora, Murata, Coats, Marble, Gottfried, Boucot, Cloud, and Stieff.
The President announced that the Treasurer would be on hand,
after the meeting to accept dues.
Attendance: 224
The meeting adjourned at 10.02 P.M
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
February 9, 1955
The 745th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, February 9, 1955, at 8.00 P.M. President
Kenneth E. Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 744th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of
the following: Lt. John Class, CE,
The regular program followed:
H. E. Suess -- Radiocarbon
chronology of the last glaciations.
Discussion was postponed until presentation of the next paper by
Meyer Rubin -- Chronology of the Wisconsin glacial stage in
John Albers -- Soda metamomatism in
the Shasta copper-zinc district,
Attendance: 187
The meeting adjourned at 10:09 P.M.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
February 23, 1955
The 746th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly,
Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, February 23, l955, at 8.00 P. M.,
President Kenneth E. Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 745th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of
the following: George S. Ryan, AMS; Robert D. Nininger,
AEC; Robert K. Fahnestock, AMS; James S. Dodge, AEC;
Charles A. Ross, ANS; John B. Dorsh, AEC; Carl
Robbins, NBS; Leonard G. Schultz, USGS; R. S. Foote, AEC; Hildreth
N. Schultz, USGS.
The Secretary announced an invitation to a talk on the
International Geophysical Year by Hugh Odishaw at the
Library of Congress on March 22.
Ellis L. Yochelson presented a
resolution passed by the Paleontological Society on
February 17th chiding the Pick and Hammer Club for holding a meeting on the
same evening and thus creating a conflict. Discussion by Balsley,
Lohman, and Thayer brought out the fact that there
had also been a serious conflict with the meeting of the Boy Scouts of
Kensington, and that the real culprit was the Audubon Society which had voted
the Paleontological Society out of its meeting room
at its regularly scheduled time.
The Secretary-Treasurer of the American Geological Institute,
H. G. Joesting, announced the intention of the
Institute to build up the reserve fund to an amount necessary for one-year's
operating costs, and suggested that each member of the audience contribute a
dollar. He exhibited the contribution of Vice-President H. S. Ladd and
immediately secured another from President K. E. Lohman.
The regular program followed:
Dorothy Carroll - Sedimentary studies in the
L. B. Leopold and M. G. Wolman (presented by Leopold) -
Braided river channels: some aspects of their development and characteristics.
Discussed by Hack, Altschuler, Boucot.
S . G. Lasky -
Die Wiederaufpoliertekristallkugel, or a special
application for optical glass from
Attendance: 130
The meeting adjourned at 10:13 P. M.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
March 9, 1955
The 747th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, March 9, 1955, at 8.00 P.M.,
Vice-President James R. Balsley presiding.
The minutes of the 746th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of
Spencer S. Shannon, Jr, of the U. S. Bureau of Mines.
The regular program followed:
W. J. Dempsey and R. W. Bromery - Aeromagnetic data from
L. T. Aldrich - Comparative measurements of mineral ages. Discussed by Gottfried,
Tilton, Mertie, Pecora, and
Attendance: 125
The meeting adjourned at 9.40 P. M.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
March 23, 1955
The 748th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, March 23, 1955, at 8.00 P.M.,
Vice-President James R. Balsley presiding.
The minutes of the 747th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of
Stephen E. Dwornik, Engineers Corp,
Announcement of the forthcoming Pick and Hammer show on April
29th was made by James R. Balsley.
The regular program followed:
T. V. N. Karlstrom - The radiocarbon
dated glacial history of
S. O. Schlanger - Geology of
J. I. Tracey, Jr. - Weathering and erosion on
Attendance: 140
The meeting adjourned at 9.40 P.M.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
April 13, 1955
The 749th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, April 13, 1955 at 8:00 P.M., President
Kenneth E. Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 748th meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of.
Emmett A. Finley, Conservation Division, Robert Gordon Schmidt, Mineral
Deposits Branch, and D. R. Mabey, Geophysics Branch,
of the Geological Survey.
. The regular program followed:
A. D. Weeks - Oxidation of the Colorado Plateau uranium ores
and its relation to recent geologic history. Discussed by Boucot, Lohman, Hack, Berman,
Wallace, Fleischer, Garrels, and Grunig.
Z. S. Altschuler,
E. J. Young, and R. S. Clarke - Uranium in apatite; geologic aspects. Presented by Altschuler
and discussed by Thayer.
C. H. Behre - The mineralogenic provinces of
Attendance: 160
The meeting adjourned at 9.53 P. M.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
April 27, 1955
The 750th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, April 27, 1955, at 8.00 P. M., President
Kenneth E. Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 749th meeting were read and approved. The
regular program followed:
A. R. Palmer - The geology and ecology of a remarkably
preserved arthropod fauna from a Miocene pond. Discussed by Sargent, Goldman, Coats, Schlecht,
Lohman, Pecora, Ross,
R. R. Coats - Distribution of some minor elements in Cenozoic
acid volcanics of the Cordilleran region.
Discussed by Phair, Gilluly, Lovering, Gottfried, Lohman, Murata, Friedman, Pecora,
and Ingerson.
G. E. Manger - Natural state core studies of uranium-bearing
rocks. Discussed by MacKay.
The President announced that negotiations are in progress with
the American Association of Petroleum Geologists regarding an invitation to
hold their annual meeting in 1960 in either
Attendance: 89
The meeting adjourned at 10:12 P. M.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
October 12, 1955
The 751st meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, October 12, 1955, at 8.00 P. M.,
President Kenneth E. Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 750th meeting were read and approved.
President Lohman announced the death
of John Putnam Marble on June 6 and of Frank L. Hess on August 29.
The Secretary read a request from the Chairman of the
Committee on Monographs of the Washington Academy of Sciences regarding
suitable manuscripts for publication.
The Secretary also announced the emblem contest of the American
Association of Petroleum Geologists.
The regular program followed:
Isidore Zietz and
J. R. Henderson (presented by Zietz) - Basement
topography from aeromagnetic surveys in
P. E. Cloud, Jr. - Calcium carbonate muds
of the Bahama Banks.
Discussed by Pommer and
A. J. Boucot - Paleozoic volcanic
belts in the northern
President Lohman announced the
conflicting meetings of the Pick and Hammer Club and Paleontological
Society on Wednesday, October 19th. In the ensuing discussion, speakers Cloud
and Gilluly both gallantly offered to retreat in
favor of the other, and comments by Dutro, Whitmore, and Yochelson
brought out the fact that the Pick and Hammer Club had a liquid advantage.
Attendance: 183
The meeting adjourned at 9.55 P. M.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
October 26, 1955
The 752d meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall of
the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, October 26, 1955, at 8.00 P. M., President
Kenneth E. Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 751st meeting were read and approved. The
regular program followed:
P. H. Abelson - Organic constituents
of fossils. Discussed by Cloud, Hack, Boucot,
Stewart, Pommer, Woodring,
Murata, and Lohman.
J. R. Henderson, A. A. Stromquist,
and Anna Jesperson (presented by
L. C. Pakiser - Structural geology
of Owens and
Attendance: 127
'The meeting adjourned at 9.40 P. M.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
November 23, 1955
The 753d meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
,of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, November 23, 1955, at 8.00 P. M.,
President Kenneth E. Lohman presiding.
The minutes of the 752d meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of
the following: John W. Allingham, Edwin W. Roedder,
Gordon E. Andreason, Helen F. Weissenborn,
David F. Barnes, David Stewart, Robert A. Bates, Robert B. Guillou,
Martin F. Kane, Mary C. Rabbitt, Eugene C. Robertson,
Paul B. Barton, William F. Outerbridge, all USGS;
Howard S. McAlister, CE; George W. Moore, Martin Prochnik,
and Robert J. Schroeder, all BEB; Lewis A. Brubaker, FPC, F. D. Sisler, Scripps.
The Secretary asked the
members to submit changes of address promptly so that meeting notices can be
delivered in time.
Frank C. Whitmore, president of the Pick and Hammer Club,
announced the current membership drive and the possibility of a Pick and Hammer
Song Book.
Edward P. Henderson read a Memorial to Frank L. Hess.
William F. Foshag read a Memorial to
John Putnam Marble.
The regular program followed:
R. M. Sigafoos. - Contributions of
plant ecology to geologic studies in
G. W. Wetherill - Interpretation of
discordant lead ages. Discussed by Faul.
H. C. Wagner - Geology of the
Attendance: 100
The meeting adjourned at 10.05, but discussion of Wetherill's paper continued until 10.57 when we were
reminded of the 11-o'clock curfew on the use of the hall.
Marjorie Hooker
Secretary's Report
December 14, 1955
The 754th meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly Hall
of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday evening, December 14, 1955, at 8.00 P.M., Vice-
President James R. Balsley presiding.
The minutes of the 753d meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary announced the election to active membership of
the following: Marion S. Pedinger, Alvin F. Holzle, Paul P. Bieber, David L.
Jones, Edward Byerly, Arnold C. Mason, Avery Drake,
Bettie L. Smysor, Jules D. Friedman, John T. Stark,
Jack E. Harrison, Henry K. Svenson, Edward G. Hasser, Arthur M. Holt, all USGS; Ralph C. Jensen, Defense Dept.;
Daniel A. Livingstone, U. of Md.
The Secretary announced an informal meeting of AAFG members to
be held immediately on adjournment of the regular meeting.
An informal communication on "The occurrence of oil in
The regular program followed:
Presidential address: Kenneth E. Lohman
-- The ubiquitous diatoms.
Attendance: 133
The meeting adjourned at 9.15 P.M.
Marjorie Hooker
63d Annual Meeting
December 14, 1955
The 63d Annual Meeting of the Society was held in the Assembly
Hall of the Cosmos Club, Wednesday, December 14, 1955, 9:25 P.M., President
Kenneth E. Lohman presiding. About 90 members were
The minutes of the 62nd Annual Meeting were read and approved.
The annual report of the Secretaries for 1955 was read and
The annual report of the Treasurer for 1955 was presented by
the Treasurer, Theodore Woodward. The report of the Auditing Committee,
consisting of Mary E. Mrose, George T. Faust, and
Earl Ingerson, Chairman, was presented by Mr. Ingerson. Mr. Ingerson stated that the Treasurer's records were in good
order and that all future interest coupons were on the bonds. The Treasurer’s
report and the Auditing Committee's report were approved as read.
The report of the Awards Committee, consisting of P. H. Abelson, C. A. Anderson, T. B. Nolan, and W. T. Pecora, Chairman, was presented by Mr. Pecora. The Committee called attention to the general
excellence of the papers given in 1955, from which they had chosen for first
prize that of Luna B. Leopold and M. Gordon Wolman (presented by Leopold) on
"Braided river channels; some aspects of their development and
characteristics" and for second prize that of L. T. Aldrich on
"Comparative measurements of mineral ages." Honorable mention was
given to the paper by Isidore Zietz
and J. R. Henderson (presented by Zietz) on
"Basement topography from aeromagnetic surveys in
peccarious contamination in the
The President then called for a report from the Committee on
Education and Public Relations. In the absence of the chairman, Sherman K. Neuschel, Frank C. Whitmore reported extemporaneously that
the Committee had achieved distinction in a lack of activity and had maintained
its dignity by keeping its big mouth shut.
The Society then proceeded with the election of officers for
1956, the President announcing that the Nominating Committee had presented a
single slate for the offices of President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and
Treasurer, but that nominations from the floor. were in order. In the course of electing the slate
unanimously, Mr. Fleischer and Mr. Bryson brought up the point of who was to be
first and second vice-presidents. It was moved, seconded, and. approved that
the two candidates should flip for the honor and specifically noted that the
Society would not be responsible for the coin.
Mr. Fahey asked about the identity of Joseph L. Fahey and the error was
corrected. Tellers for
the balloting for Councillors were Charles Milton
(Chairman), Tom Stern, Jane Titcomb, William L.
Smith, and Jim Jansen.
The following officers were elected:
President - J. Frank Schairer
Vice Presidents - Joseph J. Fahey and Victor T. Stringfield
Secretary (two-year term) - George V. Cohee
Treasurer- Mary E. Mrose
Members at large of Council (two-year term) - Jean Berdan, Arthur J. Boucot, Meyer
The meeting adjourned at 10 P.M.
Marjorie Hooker