Secretary’s Report, January 9 1963

The 842nd meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, January 9, at 8:00 P.M. with President Luna B Leopold presiding.

The President introduced the Chairman of the Communications Committee, Joe Callahan.  He also announced that prizes for the two best papers, the best informal communication, and the Sleeping Bear Award would be presented as in past years; and that prospective speakers would be furnished with a letter outlining the criteria by which the recipients of the prizes would be selected.

The Secretary began his tour of office in a blaze of glory by beginning to read the minutes of the wrong meeting. He was fortunately was corrected by an astute paleontologist, that happened to be in the audience. The correct minutes, those of the 841st meeting, were finally read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of the following:  G. William Holmes of the Geological Survey; Bruce M. Hall of the Office of the Chief of engineers;  Bruce Velde and D. H. Linsley of the Geophysical Laboratory; and Stanley R. Hart of the
Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism.

The meeting was temporarily disturbed while Bill Benson was paged to call a Dr. Cloud at the U. of Minnesota.

Bob Neuman announced that a Pick and Hammer technical session was to be held at the Marriott Twin Bridges Motor Hotel on Mon., Jan 21.  Roger Revelle, I. E. Wallen, and Orlo Childs were scheduled to discuss "The Government at Sea" or Federal Programs in Oceanography. All this to be moderated by Bill Benson.

The President announced the deaths of Joseph J. Tregoning and Donald W. Kessler.

George Cohee presented an informal Communication concerning the Dec. meeting in Paris of the International Commission for the Geologic Map of the World. He announced that his fellow U.S. delegates were Bill Johnston and John Rogers.  He also announced that the various North American and U. S. maps were pleasantly received.

The Regular Program followed:

Harry Rose, Isidore Adler, and Francis Flanagan — X-ray fluorescence analysis of rocks. Discussed by McKelvey.

Isidore Adler — Electron probe microanalysis of minerals. Discussed by Henbest, Doe, Fawcett, Kinkle, and Guild.

Louis Conant — Geology in Libya. Discussed by Warren, Kinkle (twice), Thayer, Neuman, Cohee, McKelvey, Johnston (twice), Guild, and the President.  Several questions were referred to Gus Goudarzi for comment.

Attendance:  226.  The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P. M.

Avery A. Drake Jr,




Secretary's Report, January 23, 1963

The 843rd meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, January 23, at 8:00 P. M. with First Vice President David B Stewart in the chair.

The minutes of the 842nd meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of the following: John M. Aaron and Richard J. Lutton of the Geological Survey; Clifford A. Hopson and Richard S. Fiske of The Johns Hopkins University; Richard J. Allenby and Verne O. Fryklund Jr of the Lunar and Planetary Programs, Office of Space Science, NASA; Rudolf Steiger of the Geophysical Laboratory; Arthur Anderson and Robert M. Kaarlela of the 2lst Engr Bn, Fort Belvoir; and M P de Regt of Booz-Allen Applied Research.

The regular program followed:

E. P. Henderson — The Clovis meteorite. Discussed by Stewart, Warren (twice), Skinner, Guild, Jackson, and Roedder.

E. Dale Jackson — Compositional changes in coexisting olivines and chromites in layered chromitites.  Discussed by Thayer, Roedder, Sampson (thrice) and Wones.         .  

Andrew Griscom — Appalachian gravity and tectonics. Discussed by Doe, Stewart, Hadley, and Robertson.

Attendance: 155. The meeting adjourned at 9:39 P. M.

Avery A. Drake Jr,




Secretary’s Report, February 13, 1963

The 844th meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, February 13, at 8:00 P. M. with First Vice President David B Stewart in the chair.

The minutes of the 843rd meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of the following: Cecilia Dolores Gregory of George Washington University; Jack A. Wolfe and Stephen Gawarecki of the Geological Survey;  and Harry F. Thomas of the U.S. Weather Bureau.

The Secretary announced that the Society had received a copy of the new Geologic Map of Mexico.  The map was displayed at the meeting, and was deposited in the Geological Survey Library.

Bob Neuman announced that the Pick and Hammer Club has tentatively scheduled a Technical Session for March 1. It is hoped that Prof. R. Trumpy of Zurich and Prof L. U. De Sitter of Leiden will discuss the structure of the Alps and the Pyrenees respectively.  

The Vice President announced the recent death of H. E. Merwin.

Edviin KcKnight read a memorial to Albert H.  Koschmann.

Lynton S. Land, of Johns Hopkins University, presented an informal communication:  Eolian cross bedding in the beach-dune environment, Sapelo Island, Georgia.  Discussed by Stewart.

The regular program followed:

Thomas C. Hoering — Reduced carbon in Precambrian rocks. Discussed by Stewart (twice), Goldich, and Breger (thrice).

Clifford Hopson — Chaotic metasedimentary rocks in the Maryland Piedmont.    Discussed by Thayer (twice), Leo, Cox, Neuman, Coulter, Davis, Altschuler, and Goldich (twice).

O. J. Ferrians — Till-like glaciolacustrine deposits in the Copper River Basin Alaska.

Attendance: 105.  The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. M.

Avery A. Drake Jr,




Secretary’s Report, February 27, 1963

The 845th meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, Feb­ruary 27, at 6:00 P. M. with First Vice President David B. Stewart in the chair.

The minutes of the 844th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of the following:    John P. Creel and Ingrid D. Hansen of the Geological Survey, and Thomas S. Bond of the Army Map Service.

The Vice President announced that approximately 400 members are delinquent in their dues (for this year); this is highly undesirable.    He reminded the Society that non-payment is especially critical to those in the Insurance Program.

Bob Neuman announced a confirmation of the Pick and Hammer Technical Session, to be held on March 1.

The regular program followed:

William L. Straus — Oreopithecus bambolli, a Lower Pliocene hominoid primate. Discussed by Whitmore (twice), Jones, and Hanshaw.

Bruce Velde — Natural illite polytypes.

Paul Seaber — Relation of ground-water chemistry to topography, geology, and flow patterns in the New Jersey Coastal Plain.  Discussed by Davis, Neuman, Stewart, Wiesnet, Rubin, Le Grand, and Warren.

Attendance: 85.  The meeting adjourned at 9:24 P. M.

Avery A. Drake, Jr.,




Secretary’s Report, March 13, 1963

The 846th meeting of  the Society was held in the  John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, March 13, at 5:00 P. M. with President Luna B Leopold presiding.

The minutes of the 845th meeting were read and approved.

The Secretary announced one election to membership of John L Heller of the Geological Survey.

The regular program followed:

Harry E. Legrand —Hydrologic zonation of limestone formations.    Discussed by Neuman, Lohman, McKelvey, Kiilsgaard, and McKnight.

Brian T. C. Davis — Petrology of part of the Adirondack anorthosite.   Discussed by Waters, Barton, Wright, Boyd (twice), Stewart, Fornier, and 3 unidentified gentlemen.

Robert H. Rose — Contributions of the Geologic Prof­ession to National Parks.   Discussed by an unidentified gentleman in the middle row on the left.

Attendance:  93. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P. M.

Avery A Drake, Jr.,




Secretary’s Report, March 27, 1963

The 847th meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, March 27, at 6:00 P. M. with President Luna B Leopold presiding.

The minutes of the 846th meeting were read and approved.

The President called for two volunteers to judge earth science projects at the Prince Georges Area Science Fair. Receiving none, he announced that he would appoint the judges.

The regular and inpart nearly spontaneous program followed:

Louis Peselnick — Stress-wave velocity in limestone. Discussed by Stewart, Milton, Faul, Tanner, Carder, Robertson, and Toulmin.

Raymond T. Benack — Water and diseases. Discussed by Carder, Callahan, Leopold, and an unidentified gentleman on the left.

Sam Rosenblum — Geochemistry and heart disorders. Discussed by Ericksen, Benack, Callahan, and an unidentified gentleman on the left.

Attendance : 72. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P. M.

Avery A Drake, Jr., 




Secretary’s Report, April 10, 1963

The 848th meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium,  Wednesday evening, April 10, at 8:00 P. M. with First Vice President David B. Stewart presiding.

The minutes of the 847th meeting were read approved.

The Secretary announced that the annual Pick and Hammer show is to be held at 8:00 P. M. on April 26, 1963 in the Gallaudet College Theater, Florida and 7th Streets NE.

Edwin Roedder presented an informal communication -- Neutron activation analysis of fluid inclusions.
The regular program followed:

A. P. Crary  Glaciology in Antarctica.  Discussed by Denny, Zen, Milton, Stewart, Broughton, and Boudette.

Harold E  Gill — Evaluation of geologic and hydrologic data from the Island Beach, N. J. test drilling program.  Discussed by Birdsall, Tracey, McKnight, Kinney, Roedder, Altschuler, Owens, Milton, and Denny.

David WonesBiotite in volcanic rocks.  Discussed by Toulmin, Fornier, Roedder, Greenwood, Zen, Cox, Barton, and Jones.

Attendance:  85.  The meeting adjourned at 9:39 P. M.

Avery A. Drake, Jr.,




Secretary's Report April 24, 1963

The 849th meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, April 24 at 8:00 P. M. with President Luna B. Leopold presiding.

The minutes of the 843rd meeting were read and approved.

The President introduced two high school students who have been awarded prizes by the Society for their projects at two area science fairs. Miss Linda M. White, Hyattsville, for her Seismograph; and Mr. Kenneth J. Wiewara, Alexandria, for his study of variations in the earth's magnetic field.  Both projects were exhibited at the meeting.

The Secretary announced the election of the following: Thomas G. Murdock, Bureau of Mines, Paul Broughton, Riverdale, Maryland; and Gilmore E. Guster, James R. White, and Jesse E. Harden of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

After the Secretary reported that 28 members had been dropped for nonpayment of dues, the President urged those who were still in arrears to pay up.

A call for a caucus by AAPG members to be held immedi­ately after the meeting was read by the Secretary. (Attendance 2)

A memorial to H. E. Merwin vas read by J. W. Greig.

Allen Heyl presented a "formal" informal communication: Clay mineral alteration in the upper Mississippi Valley zinc district.

The regular program followed:

E. W. Radoslovick — Recent ideas about layer silicate structures. Discussed by Roedder, Zen, and Toulmin.

George Ericksen — Geological and chemical features of the Chilean nitrate deposits. Discussed by Stewart, Roedder, Schopf, and Altschuler.

Frank C. Whitmore, Jr., Tertiary mammals from the Panama Canal Zone.

Attendance: 95.  The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P. M.

C. S. Denny,




Secretary’s Report, October 9, 1963

The 850th fleeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, October 9, at 8:00 p.m. with President Luna B. Leopold presiding.

The minutes of the 849th meeting were read and approved.

The President announced the deaths of Roger Miller and James F. Pepper.

The President announced that an anonymous giver has presented the Society with a silver trophy.  This trophy will be awarded annually to the individual presenting the best technical paper.  The first award will be made at the annual meeting this year.

The Secretary announced the election of the following: E. F. Cook and Walter H Bailey of the Division of Earth Science, N R.C.-N.A.S.; and Robert S. Dietz of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.

The Secretary announced that there will be no second meeting in October, as the hall will not be available to the Society.

Bob Neuman announced that a Pick and Hammer Technical Session will be held on Thur. Nov 4.    The speaker will be  John C. Calhoun, Science Advisor to the Secretary of Interior.

The regular program followed:

W. D. Carter — Structural geology of Central Chile. Discussed by George Erickson (twice), Stewart, and an unidenti­fied gentleman on the right front.

Thor Kiilsgaard — Zinc reserves of the world.  Discussed by Guild, Neuman, KcKnight,  Benson, and an unidentified gentleman in the  rear of the hall.

Charles Milton —  "Carbonatite" lava of Tanganyika.  Discussed by Roedder  (twice),  Zen (twice),  Toulmin (twice), Guild,  Pecora,  Murata, Barton, Rosenblum,  and two unidentified gentlemen.

Attendance: 175.  The Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. M.

Avery A. Drake Jr.,




Secretary’s Report, November 13, 1963

The 851st meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, November 13, at 8:00 P. M., with President Luna B. Leopold presiding.

The minutes of the 850th meeting were approved as read.

The Secretary announced the election of the following: J. Lawrence Muir, Falls Church; from the Geophysical Laboratory, Peter Bell, Brian Davis, Ian MacGregor, P. E. Hare, Dean Presnall, and A. E. Ringwood; Donald R. Coates, National Science Foundation and Harpur College; from the Geological Survey, William E. Bowers, Roger B. Colton, Anthony B. Gibbons, Richard D. Krushensky, William J. Lang, Ching Chang Woo, Robert G. Reeves, Christina Silber, and John Pojeta, Jr.; from the American Geological Institute, Forster D. Smith, Wendell Cochran, and Harriet Rinse.

The Secretary announced the slate of candidates for office in 1964, as presented by the nominating committee:

President—William T. Pecora;

1st Vice President —Mackenzie Gordon, Jr.;

2nd Vice President — Linn Hoover

Secretary — Bruce B. Hanshaw (two-year term)

Treasurer — Jane H. Wallace

Council — George E. Ericksen, Wenonah E. Bergquist, Donald H. Linsley (three to be elected for two-year term).

Delegate to Washington Academy of Science — Luna B. Leopold.

R. B. Neuman called attention to the Pick and Hammer Club's  Technical Session—Science in Government, speaker John K. Calhoun, Jr., Science Advisor to Secretary of Interior Udall, on Thursday, Nov. 14.

The Secretary announced that an N.S.F. Colloquium will be held on Wednesday, November 27, at 11 A.M. in the N.S.F. Auditorium, Speaker: Anton L. Hales, Southwest Center for Advance Studies, Dallas. Subject: Upper mantle speculations.

D. B. Stewart announced that at the next meeting, Nov. 27th, Dr. Adolph Seilacher, University of Gottingen, who is Visiting Professor of Paleontology at Johns Hopkins Univ., will speak to the Society.

There were no informal communications. The regular program followed:

Donald H. Linsley - Petrology and paleomagnetism of three basalt flows. Discussed by Tanner, Thayer, and Robertson.

W. R. Muehlberger and S. S. Goldich — Age determinations on basement rocks of the central United States, Discussed by White, Anderson, and Fleischer.

Attendance: 150. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P. M.

C. S. Denny,



Secretary's Report, November 27, 1963

The 852nd meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, November 27, 1963 at 8:00 P. M. with 2nd president William E. Benson presiding.

The minutes of the 851st meeting were read and approved.

The Vice President announced that the annual meeting will be held on Dec. 11.

There were no informal communications.

The regular program followed:

Harry Rodis - Ground-water geology of Kordorfan Province,  Republic of Sudan. Discussed by Rozanski  (twice), Neuman, Callahan, and Snyder.

Adolph Seilacher - Transport and reworking of cephalopod shells. S=Discussed by Stewart (twice), Rozanski, Sohn, Mello,  Gordon,  Henbest (twice), Palmer, Squires,  Bromery, and an unidentified gentleman sitting behind Ed McKnight.

Attendance:   72. The meeting adjourned at 9:37 P. M.

Avery A. Drake, Jr.




Secretary's Report, December 11, 1963

The 853d meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening,  December 11, 1963 at 8:00 P. M. with President Luna B Leopold presiding.

The minutes of the 852nd meeting were read and approved.  The President announced the death of William E. Wrather.

The Secretary announced the election to membership of the following: Roy R Lewis, W. D.  Haney, Richard F Marvin,  Kathryn Kistler, Arthur Thorpe, Robert L. Rioux, Robert E. Zartman,  Naydean H. Baker, Lindrith Cordell, Faulkner B. Walling,  Jesse R. Upperco, William W. Emmett, Garnett P. Williams, Michael  J Kirkbey,  and Kerstin M. Williams of the Geological Survey; W.  J. Best and Howard W. Leaf of the Geophysics Div.,  HQ A.  F.  Office of Scientific Research;  Morris S. Peterson, Dept of Geology, American U.; Joan Gordon,  National Science Foundation; Cyril J. Galvin Jr of the Coastal Engineering Research Center;  and John F Spelttstoesser and Thomas F. Rafter Jr of the American Geologic  Institute.

The Secretary announced that the Journal of the Washington Acad­emy of Science will consider the publication of abstracts or summaries of papers presented before the Society.     Interested authors should contact the Meeting Secretary.

The President then turned the chair over to Vice President Stewart who introduced Luna and made proper remarks.  The Presidential address was entitled "Process and Probability".

Attendance: 163.  The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Avery A. Drake Jr, 




71st Annual Meeting

December 11, 1963

The  71st Annual Meeting of the Society was held in the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, Wednesday evening, December 11, 1963 at 9:10 P. M., with President Luna B Leopold presiding.

The minutes of the 70th Annual Meeting were read and approved.

The annual report of the Secretaries for 1963 was read and approved.

The annual report of the Treasurer was presented by Jane Wallace. Total receipts for 1963 from all sources were $2,158.19; total expenses were $2,203.44 and the net cash balance as of Dec 10, 1963 was $206.20.    The endowment fund as of Dec 10, stood at
$2,665.03.   The total assets of the Society as of Dec 10, 1963 are $2,871.26, an increase of $66.48 over 1962.

The report of the auditing committee consisting of Erwin S. Asselstine and Donald R Wiesnet, was presented by Erwin, who reported that the committee had examined the accounts and found them to be correct.

The report of the Awards Committee was presented by Gene Roseboom, chairman of a committee that included Bill Oliver, Jim Norton, Don Wiesnet, and Hank Joesting.    Gene reviewed the criteria by which the best paper is selected.    The paper by Dave Wones, "Biotite in volcanic rocks" was selected as the best of the year, and Cliff Hopson's  "Chaotic metasedimentary rocks  in the Maryland piedmont” ran a close second.    Honorable mention went to Don Linsley for his paper "Petrology and paleomagnetism of three basalt flows.”

The Great Dane Award, for the best informal communication, was presented to Ed Roedder for his note on "Neutron activation analysis of fluid inclusions.”

The silver cup, badly tarnished but intact, symbolic of the Sleeping Bear Award, was presented by last years winner, Meyer Rubin, chairman of an otherwise anonymous committee. Meyer again defined the award and ruminated on some past glories of this singular honor. As a matter of fact Meyer put on one of his best performances, stating that the rumor that he was going to award the cup to himself had no basis of fact, although the idea had crossed his mind.  He called attention to his acceptance speech of the previous year, which revealed his true nature, and quoted: "I was unworthy, overcome by feelings of humility and modesty — that your kindness in giving me this award wag only exceeded by my graciousness in accepting it.”  Numerous other anecdotes pertaining to his humility followed. He finally approached the purpose of the evening by dismissing the exhibitions of C. Denny and Bill Benson as being unworthy of the award and stating that rather than besmirch the Sleeping Bear, or even wake him up this year, the Committee had decided to make no award, a practice followed by other important international committees. The Committee had decided however, to entrust the cup to our beloved outgoing president for safekeeping.  To quote Meyer: "We, the Society that is, didn't get to see much of you this year, and we want you to have this little something to remember us by. Can you find a place for it in your office?"

Luna accepted the cup with graciousness and allowed as how it had been presented to the right individual, the only member of the Society who keeps silver polish in his office as a matter of course.

The slate of officers for the coming year presented to the Society by the nominating committee were elected by unanimous vote.

After some farewell remarks by the retiring President, the meeting adjourned at 9:35 P. M.

Attendence: 151

Avery A. Drake, Jr.
