Monthly Archives: October 2023

A trip over the Fall Line (4 Nov field trip) in the Richmond area

The Itinerary and Logistics information are here. The Waiver is here. Please read and sign/date the waiver, and bring it with you. It will be collected BEFORE you can go on the field trip. You will receive a short guidebook to the field trip when you provide the signed waiver. Please note that a final go/NOgo for the trip will be based on the weather forecast by 31 Oct. So check back HERE in the first few days of Nov to see if the trip is still planned. And also note that there is a post field trip Oyster fest planned on the evening of the field trip at Mark Carter’s home in Louisa. If you are interested in attending please RSVP to Mark (mcarter[at] by this weekend (Oct 29). You can camp overnight in Louisa if you don’t want to return home after the Oyster fest. Further details on all of these topics are in the Logistics. Finally, some of the trip stops require that you have waterproof boots to get close to the outcrop. So plan accordingly.

Draft minutes of 4 Oct meeting (1592nd GSW)

Our meeting secretary, Graham Lederer, has kindly provided the following draft minutes of our last meeting. Let him know of any additions or corrections at glederer[at]

Talks for our upcoming virtual-only 25 Oct meeting and a SAVE THE DATE for 4 Nov field trip

The presentations will include talks by Geoffrey S. Ellis (USGS, Denver) on “Geologic hydrogen: An overlooked potential primary clean-energy resource“, Jack Conrad (NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center) on “Sampling Geologic Properties of Mars’ Crust with Secondary Crater Clusters“, and Kathryn Watts (USGS, Spokane) on “Mining the Science of the Nation’s Premier Rare Earth Element Deposit at Mountain Pass, CA“. A meeting flyer is available here. The GSW will also be having a daylong field trip on Saturday, Nov. 4, which will include a stop along the falls of the James River in downtown Richmond, VA. It will probably start around 9 AM and finish around 4 PM. Further details will follow shortly.