The Itinerary and Logistics information are here. The Waiver is here. Please read and sign/date the waiver, and bring it with you. It will be collected BEFORE you can go on the field trip. You will receive a short guidebook to the field trip when you provide the signed waiver. Please note that a final go/NOgo for the trip will be based on the weather forecast by 31 Oct. So check back HERE in the first few days of Nov to see if the trip is still planned. And also note that there is a post field trip Oyster fest planned on the evening of the field trip at Mark Carter’s home in Louisa. If you are interested in attending please RSVP to Mark (mcarter[at] by this weekend (Oct 29). You can camp overnight in Louisa if you don’t want to return home after the Oyster fest. Further details on all of these topics are in the Logistics. Finally, some of the trip stops require that you have waterproof boots to get close to the outcrop. So plan accordingly.
A gorgeous #SolarFlare, tonight on the Sun. This event clocked it at an M5 level, revealing beautiful magnetic structures in the Sun’s atmosphere ☀️ #spaceweather
The first-ever benchmark dataset for earthquake forecasting is online at Check it out and test your data mining and machine learning skills on a truly meaningful scientific application!
Team #Zeolite represents! (And a pinch of #calcite)
We are saddened to hear the news about the passing of Prof Jack Zussman who only recently reached his 100th birthday. Prof. Zussman is best know for his contribution to Crystallography and as author of 'An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals'