The informal ‘meet and greet’ for the Crew-4 International Space Station astronauts at the Cosmos Club was attended by about 40, many of whom were scientists with their families who wanted to meet an astronaut. After a 20 minute narrated video from the astronauts, four NASA/UMD scientists with GSW & Cosmos Club experience (Killen, Kirschbaum, Cohen and Martos) gave short (4 minute) presentations to the astronauts about topics that have direct relevance to the return of humans to the Moon. The astronauts responded with interest, and good questions. At the end of the meeting the astronauts presented a plaque to the Cosmos Club and GSW.
A gorgeous #SolarFlare, tonight on the Sun. This event clocked it at an M5 level, revealing beautiful magnetic structures in the Sun’s atmosphere ☀️ #spaceweather
The first-ever benchmark dataset for earthquake forecasting is online at Check it out and test your data mining and machine learning skills on a truly meaningful scientific application!
Team #Zeolite represents! (And a pinch of #calcite)
We are saddened to hear the news about the passing of Prof Jack Zussman who only recently reached his 100th birthday. Prof. Zussman is best know for his contribution to Crystallography and as author of 'An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals'