Upcoming field trip options for GSW members

Hi everyone,

I welcome your participation in a field trip I’m running Saturday, May 11, to Corridor H, West Virginia, for the “Royal Rockhounds” of Front Royal. Corridor H is a highway that cuts through the folded and faulted Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the Valley & Ridge geological province. It’s an excellent place to see primary sedimentary structures, fossils, unconformities, contacts, and anticlines & synclines. If you’re available and interested, we’re going to meet up at 9am sharp at the McDonald’s + Exxon in Strasburg, VA on route 11, real close to I-81:


This is not an official GSW trip, but it’s open to all. If you think you’re going to do this, please let me know (cbentley@nvcc.edu), so I know whether to look for you there on that morning. It’ll conclude mid-to-late afternoon.

Also, as mentioned at the last meeting, on June 1, Caitlin Chazen, Marla Morales, and I will be running a “field workshop” (a field trip about field trips) in Rock Creek Park, DC, using DC’s bedrock geology as a platform to discuss how geoscience instructors can most effectively run field trips. This trip is intended for geoscience educators at the high school, college, or university level. It’s free, and lunch is provided, but advance registration is required. More information is online at:


-Callan Bentley

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