A gorgeous #SolarFlare, tonight on the Sun. This event clocked it at an M5 level, revealing beautiful magnetic structures in the Sun’s atmosphere ☀️ #spaceweather
The first-ever benchmark dataset for earthquake forecasting is online at https://github.com/chenyk1990/aefa. Check it out and test your data mining and machine learning skills on a truly meaningful scientific application!
Team #Zeolite represents! (And a pinch of #calcite)
We are saddened to hear the news about the passing of Prof Jack Zussman who only recently reached his 100th birthday. Prof. Zussman is best know for his contribution to Crystallography and as author of 'An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals'
Slate of officer candidates for 2020
The proposed slate of GSW officers for next year is:
President: Ester Sztein (National Academy of Sciences)
1st VP: Liz Cottrell (National Museum of Natural History ,Smithsonian Institution)
2nd VP: Larry Meinert (Independent consultant & Editor, Economic Geology)
Treasurer: Carl-Henry Geschwind (Independent researcher)
Council Secretary: Pat Carr (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency)
Council Members: Pranoti Asher (American Geophysical Union)
Julia Nord (George Mason University)
Bill Craddock (United States Geological Survey)
Meeting Secretary: Beth Doyle (Northern Virginia Community College)
The Society will vote on this slate at the 127th annual meeting, on December 4th, following the 2019 Presidential address.