Our 16 Nov (Wed) evening meeting will be virtual only

And will feature three talks. Learn about the evolution of life and climate with U-Pb geochronology in the early Paleozoic/EoCambrian (Nelson, Carleton Univ); about global climate in South Africa during the Karoo igneous events of the early Mesozoic (Gaynor, Princeton University); and a cautionary tale about inferring ancient temperatures from distributions of quartz with rutile (Tailby, American Museum of Nat. History, NYC). The meeting will be carried live on Zoom beginning at 8 PM on 16 Nov. Meet up with friends and colleagues beginning at 7:30. Members will shortly receive an invitation with the Zoom information. Non-members are encouraged to attend. Contact Michael Ackerson (ackersonm[at]si.edu) for the Zoom link if you do not have it. Here are the Blurbs, and Biographies.

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