and features three talks. Learn about the Chinese lunar and planetary program from Jim Head (Brown), the Archean origin of magnetofossils from Joe Kirschvink (Caltech/ELSI), and the Biogeochemistry of Irish bogs from Devin Smith (Ohio State). The talks will be on Zoom, and members will receive a notice soon. The meeting will begin at 8 PM (EDT), with the Zoom link opening at 7:30 PM for socializing. A reminder that we are now on Daylight Savings Time. The talks are open to all, and if you would like to attend on Zoom, send michael.e.purucker[at] an email to request the connection information. Short blurbs, bios, and pictures of the speakers are here.
A gorgeous #SolarFlare, tonight on the Sun. This event clocked it at an M5 level, revealing beautiful magnetic structures in the Sun’s atmosphere ☀️ #spaceweather
The first-ever benchmark dataset for earthquake forecasting is online at Check it out and test your data mining and machine learning skills on a truly meaningful scientific application!
Team #Zeolite represents! (And a pinch of #calcite)
We are saddened to hear the news about the passing of Prof Jack Zussman who only recently reached his 100th birthday. Prof. Zussman is best know for his contribution to Crystallography and as author of 'An Introduction to the Rock-Forming Minerals'