Feb 7th – GSW meeting will be at the Cosmos Club

It is an IN-PERSON meeting only. We will begin with a talk by Brandon Graham (USGS) on ‘In situ 10Be modeling and terrain analysis constrain subglacial quarrying and abrasion rates at Sermeq Kujalleq (Jakobshavn Isbræ), Greenland’. Next up will be Paul Hackley (USGS) on ‘Organic Petrology at USGS in the 21st Century’. The final talk of the evening will be presented by Ross Salerno (USGS) on ‘The age of dome-and-keel structures in the Pilbara Craton’. Abstracts of the talks, and biographies of the speakers, are here. Come at 7:30 PM to socialize and imbibe, the meeting begins at 8 PM, and ends by 10 PM.

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