The 132nd Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Washington will take place on December 4th, 2024 in the auditorium of the American Geophysical Union headquarters, 2000 Florida Avenue, NW, Washington D.C.
This will be a HYBRID meeting. In order to participate via online attendance, please register at this link before 4:00 pm Eastern time on Dec. 4th.
Dr. DANIEL DOCTOR will deliver the Presidential Address entitled “The Allegory of the Cave, redux: perception and reality in karst science“
Annual awards will be announced, and election of the 2025 GSW slate of officers and councilors will also take place.
Slate of Officers for 2025:
- President: Ved Lekić* (Univ. of Maryland)
- 1st VP & President Elect: Michael Ackerson* (Smithsonian)
- 2nd Vice President: Michael Walter (Carnegie EPL)
- Past President: Dan Doctor* (USGS)
- Treasurer: Andy Campbell** (NRC, retired)
- Meeting Secretary: Jessica Bersson (Smithsonian)
- Council Secretary: Beth Doyle* (NOVA Community College)
- Councilors:
- Linda Rowan (CRS)
- Ross Salerno (USGS)
- David Vanko (Towsen Univ., retired)
- Pat Carr (Brooking Legislative Fellow, U.S. Congress)*
- Mark Tyra (NIST)*
- Anne Pommier (Carnegie EPL)*
- *Officers and councilors carrying over from 2024
- **Completing term of Treasurer Mark Fuhrmann
Please come at 7:30 p.m. to enjoy refreshments ahead of the meeting, which will begin at 8:00 pm.
Please join us for fun half-day to full-day field trip along West Virginia Corridor H! We will delve into the fascinating Appalachian Paleozoic stratigraphy in the Valley and Ridge Province of Virginia and West Virginia. Our stops will provide the opportunity to explore the relations between the Paleozoic sedimentary rock record and the major tectonic events that shaped North America.

Trip Details:
- Meeting Point: Haymarket Commuter Park and Ride, 14861 Heathcote Boulevard, Haymarket, VA 20169
- Date: Saturday, December 7th
- Meeting Time: 8:30 AM
We will meet as a group and encourage carpooling to facilitate a smoother trip, though parking at the stops will not be an issue.
Rough Itinerary:
- Morning: Visits to key geological sites in Virginia and West Virginia.
- Lunch: ~1:30pm A break in Moorefield, WV, where participants opting for the half-day can choose to depart.
- Afternoon: Continued exploration of outcrops west of Moorefield for full-day attendees.
Please contact Alan Pitts at to register and receive pre-trip reading materials. Please click here for more details: GSW DEC. 7 FIELD TRIP TO CORRIDOR H