Theme of the event: Ice
ELIZABETH TURTLE, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) APL — Exploring the Ocean Worlds Europa and Titan with Europa Clipper and Dragonfly
SINEAD FARRELL, University of Maryland (UMD) — Pole to Pole: Earth’s Declining Sea Ice
MARC NEVEU, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / UMD — How depressurization during cryovolcanic eruption affects relative abundances of amino and fatty acids sought as biosignatures on ocean worlds
Come at 7:30 PM to socialize and imbibe, the meeting begins at 8 PM, and ends by 10 PM.
The meeting will be held in the Greenewalt Building, Tuve Hall at the Carnegie Earth and Planets Laboratory, Broad Branch Road Campus. Directions are here:

Parking is free on the campus, or on-street in the vicinity