March 27, GSW meeting at Cosmos Club

This will be an IN-PERSON meeting only. Three excellent talks will be presented:

ISABELLE COZZARELLI (U.S. Geological Survey) – Evolution of geochemical process understanding gained from long-term investigations of the Bemidji, Minnesota, terrestrial crude oil spill

GEOFFREY GILLEAUDEAU (George Mason University) – Perspectives on Neoproterozoic continental weathering and ocean oxygenation and its effect on the evolving biosphere

BEN KLIGMAN (Smithsonian Institution) – Searching for the hidden origins of living tetrapods in Triassic equatorial Pangaea

Come at 7:30 PM to socialize and imbibe, the meeting begins at 8 PM, and ends by 10 PM. Speaker bios and talk abstracts are available here.

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